Māte Lisija, tēvs Gerds, dēls Toms un meita Elena: Luniju ģimenes locekļi ir atsvešināti. Bet, saskaroties ar nāvi, viņi beidzot atkal satiekas.
Mother Lissy, father Gerd, son Tom and daughter Ellen: the members of the Lunies family are estranged. But confronted with death, they finally meet each other again.
Māte Lisija, tēvs Gerds, dēls Toms un meita Elena: Luniju ģimenes locekļi ir atsvešināti. Bet, saskaroties ar nāvi, viņi beidzot atkal satiekas.
Mother Lissy, father Gerd, son Tom and daughter Ellen: the members of the Lunies family are estranged. But confronted with death, they finally meet each other again.