Pedagoģiskā institūta absolvente ar disleksiju ir spiesta kļūt par krievu valodas un literatūras skolotāju vidusskolā. Neskatoties uz slimību, viņam izdodas nodibināt kontaktu ar studentiem, kuri galu galā palīdzēs saglabāt darbu.
A dyslexic graduate of a pedagogical institute is forced to become a teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. Despite the illness, he manages to establish contact with the students, who in the end will help him keep his job.
Pedagoģiskā institūta absolvente ar disleksiju ir spiesta kļūt par krievu valodas un literatūras skolotāju vidusskolā. Neskatoties uz slimību, viņam izdodas nodibināt kontaktu ar studentiem, kuri galu galā palīdzēs saglabāt darbu.
A dyslexic graduate of a pedagogical institute is forced to become a teacher of Russian language and literature in a secondary school. Despite the illness, he manages to establish contact with the students, who in the end will help him keep his job.