Lai slēptu no mazdēla vecāku pēkšņo nāvi, 70 gadus vecais vectēvs Rasims sāk ar viņu spēlēt leģendāro spēli "Ņem un atceries", lai vēlmes piepildītos. Sākumā viņa sievai Sufijai šī ideja nepatīk, taču pamazām spēle maina gan šīs ģimenes dzīvi, gan visa ciema dzīvi un sapņus visneiedomājamākajā veidā.
To hide the sudden death of his parents from his grandson, 70-year-old grandfather Rasim begins to play with him the legendary game "Take it and remember it" to make wishes come true. At first, his wife Sufiya does not like this idea, but gradually the game changes both the life of this family and the life and dreams of the whole village in the most incredible way.
Lai slēptu no mazdēla vecāku pēkšņo nāvi, 70 gadus vecais vectēvs Rasims sāk ar viņu spēlēt leģendāro spēli "Ņem un atceries", lai vēlmes piepildītos. Sākumā viņa sievai Sufijai šī ideja nepatīk, taču pamazām spēle maina gan šīs ģimenes dzīvi, gan visa ciema dzīvi un sapņus visneiedomājamākajā veidā.
To hide the sudden death of his parents from his grandson, 70-year-old grandfather Rasim begins to play with him the legendary game "Take it and remember it" to make wishes come true. At first, his wife Sufiya does not like this idea, but gradually the game changes both the life of this family and the life and dreams of the whole village in the most incredible way.