Ierodoties ekskursijā uz Sanktpēterburgu, klasesbiedrenes Dana un Ļova kļūst par lieciniekiem slavenā "Čižika-Pižika" zādzībai. Leģenda vēsta, ka, ja tu izsaki vēlēšanos un uz pieminekļa postamenta saņemsi monētu, neiemetot to ūdenī, tā noteikti piepildīsies. Bet "Čižiks" ir prom. Vai tas nozīmē, ka puiši nekad nevarēs īstenot savus sapņus un Ļovas vecāki tomēr šķirsies, un Dana nekļūs par slavenu blogeri? Drosmīgi skolēni steidzas meklēt nolaupītājus, slēpjoties no skolotājiem, no Jekaterinburgas steidzami izsauktiem vecākiem, policistiem un pat no sevis.... "Pēteris Lielais".
Arriving on an excursion to St. Petersburg, classmates Dana and Lyova witness the theft of the famous "Chizhik-Pyzhik". According to legend, if you make a wish and get a coin on the pedestal of the monument without dropping it into the water, it will surely come true. But "Chizhik" is gone. Does this mean that the guys will never be able to realize their dreams and Lyova's parents will still get divorced, and Dana will not become a famous blogger? Courageous schoolchildren rush in search of kidnappers, hiding from teachers, parents urgently summoned from Yekaterinburg, policemen and even from themselves.... "Peter the Great".
Ierodoties ekskursijā uz Sanktpēterburgu, klasesbiedrenes Dana un Ļova kļūst par lieciniekiem slavenā "Čižika-Pižika" zādzībai. Leģenda vēsta, ka, ja tu izsaki vēlēšanos un uz pieminekļa postamenta saņemsi monētu, neiemetot to ūdenī, tā noteikti piepildīsies. Bet "Čižiks" ir prom. Vai tas nozīmē, ka puiši nekad nevarēs īstenot savus sapņus un Ļovas vecāki tomēr šķirsies, un Dana nekļūs par slavenu blogeri? Drosmīgi skolēni steidzas meklēt nolaupītājus, slēpjoties no skolotājiem, no Jekaterinburgas steidzami izsauktiem vecākiem, policistiem un pat no sevis.... "Pēteris Lielais".
Arriving on an excursion to St. Petersburg, classmates Dana and Lyova witness the theft of the famous "Chizhik-Pyzhik". According to legend, if you make a wish and get a coin on the pedestal of the monument without dropping it into the water, it will surely come true. But "Chizhik" is gone. Does this mean that the guys will never be able to realize their dreams and Lyova's parents will still get divorced, and Dana will not become a famous blogger? Courageous schoolchildren rush in search of kidnappers, hiding from teachers, parents urgently summoned from Yekaterinburg, policemen and even from themselves.... "Peter the Great".