Pēc tam, kad vīrietis ar ieroci ir spiests vadīt noslēpumaino pasažieri, viņš nonāk augstu likmju kaķa un peles spēlē, kurā kļūst skaidrs, ka ne viss ir tā, kā šķiet.
After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse where it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems.
Pēc tam, kad vīrietis ar ieroci ir spiests vadīt noslēpumaino pasažieri, viņš nonāk augstu likmju kaķa un peles spēlē, kurā kļūst skaidrs, ka ne viss ir tā, kā šķiet.
After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse where it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems.