1942. gada vasara. Pie Staļingradas sākas sīva kauja, kuras iznākums izšķirs visas pasaules likteni... Divdesmit gadus vecais seržants Ļubomirs Cuhs, kurš vēl nav sajutis šaujampulvera smaku, atstāja savu vienību frontes zonā, lai atvadieties no savas draudzenes. Viņš bija ārpus vienības tikai trīs stundas! Bet saskaņā ar kara laika likumiem viņš ir dezertieris. Un sods par to ir viens — nāvessoda izpilde. Sods ir pārāk bargs, un visi to saprot. Vai militārās mašīnas spararats apstāsies, būs apžēlošanas pavēle?
Summer of 1942. A fierce battle begins near Stalingrad, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the whole world... Twenty-year-old sergeant Lubomir Zukh, who has not yet smelled gunpowder, left his unit in the frontline zone to say goodbye to his girlfriend. He was out of the unit for only three hours! But according to the laws of wartime, he is a deserter. And the punishment for this is one thing — execution. The sentence is too harsh, and everyone understands that. Will the flywheel of the military machine stop, will there be an order for pardon?
1942. gada vasara. Pie Staļingradas sākas sīva kauja, kuras iznākums izšķirs visas pasaules likteni... Divdesmit gadus vecais seržants Ļubomirs Cuhs, kurš vēl nav sajutis šaujampulvera smaku, atstāja savu vienību frontes zonā, lai atvadieties no savas draudzenes. Viņš bija ārpus vienības tikai trīs stundas! Bet saskaņā ar kara laika likumiem viņš ir dezertieris. Un sods par to ir viens — nāvessoda izpilde. Sods ir pārāk bargs, un visi to saprot. Vai militārās mašīnas spararats apstāsies, būs apžēlošanas pavēle?
Summer of 1942. A fierce battle begins near Stalingrad, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the whole world... Twenty-year-old sergeant Lubomir Zukh, who has not yet smelled gunpowder, left his unit in the frontline zone to say goodbye to his girlfriend. He was out of the unit for only three hours! But according to the laws of wartime, he is a deserter. And the punishment for this is one thing — execution. The sentence is too harsh, and everyone understands that. Will the flywheel of the military machine stop, will there be an order for pardon?