Maks ir bijušais karavīrs, kurš pēc kara pārcēlās uz pilsētu ar atomelektrostaciju, kur strādā gandrīz visi. Dzīve viņam tur ir mierīga, līdz algotņu banda Rona vadībā iebrūk reaktorā un sagrābj visus, tostarp bērnu grupu skolas braucienā. Tagad Maks sacenšas ar pulksteni, un viņam ir jāizmanto sava militārā apmācība, lai pieveiktu Ronu, pirms viņš nodod reaktoru sabrukšanai. Pa ceļam viņš atklāj Rona motīvu, kas atklāj lielāku noslēpumu, ko slēpj Maka pilsēta.
Mack is a former soldier who, after the war, moved to a town with a nuclear power plant, where nearly everybody works. Life is peaceful for him there, until a gang of mercenaries led by Ron storm the reactor and take everybody hostage, including a group of children on a school trip. Now Mack is in a race against the clock and must use his military training to defeat Ron before he puts the reactor into meltdown. Along the way he discovers Ron’s motive, which unravels a greater secret Mack’s town is hiding.
Maks ir bijušais karavīrs, kurš pēc kara pārcēlās uz pilsētu ar atomelektrostaciju, kur strādā gandrīz visi. Dzīve viņam tur ir mierīga, līdz algotņu banda Rona vadībā iebrūk reaktorā un sagrābj visus, tostarp bērnu grupu skolas braucienā. Tagad Maks sacenšas ar pulksteni, un viņam ir jāizmanto sava militārā apmācība, lai pieveiktu Ronu, pirms viņš nodod reaktoru sabrukšanai. Pa ceļam viņš atklāj Rona motīvu, kas atklāj lielāku noslēpumu, ko slēpj Maka pilsēta.
Mack is a former soldier who, after the war, moved to a town with a nuclear power plant, where nearly everybody works. Life is peaceful for him there, until a gang of mercenaries led by Ron storm the reactor and take everybody hostage, including a group of children on a school trip. Now Mack is in a race against the clock and must use his military training to defeat Ron before he puts the reactor into meltdown. Along the way he discovers Ron’s motive, which unravels a greater secret Mack’s town is hiding.