Cerot izglābt savu slimo māti, zēns vārdā Gunners un viņa draugs Džo dodas attālajā Savvaļas zirgu mežā, lai meklētu mītisku tēlu, kam piemīt nemirstības noslēpums. Kad viņi pazūd, Gunnera tēvam Amosam jāiegremdējas sava dēla pasaulē, lai viņus atrastu.
Hoping to save his sick mother, a boy named Gunner and his friend Jo venture into the remote Wild Horse forest to search for a mythical figure who possesses the secret to immortality. When they go missing, Gunner's father Amos must immerse himself in his son's world to find them.
Cerot izglābt savu slimo māti, zēns vārdā Gunners un viņa draugs Džo dodas attālajā Savvaļas zirgu mežā, lai meklētu mītisku tēlu, kam piemīt nemirstības noslēpums. Kad viņi pazūd, Gunnera tēvam Amosam jāiegremdējas sava dēla pasaulē, lai viņus atrastu.
Hoping to save his sick mother, a boy named Gunner and his friend Jo venture into the remote Wild Horse forest to search for a mythical figure who possesses the secret to immortality. When they go missing, Gunner's father Amos must immerse himself in his son's world to find them.