Neapole, 80. gadu sākums. Aldo un Vanda šķiras pēc tam, kad viņš atklāj savu romānu. Viņu divi mazie bērni ir plosījušies starp vecākiem, aizvainojuma virpulī. Taču saites, kas satur cilvēkus kopā, ir neizbēgamas pat bez mīlestības. Tagad, pēc 30 gadiem, Aldo un Vanda joprojām ir precējušies.
Naples, early 1980’s. Aldo and Vanda go through a separation, after he reveals his affair. Their two young children are torn between their parents, in a whirlwind of resentment. But the ties that keep people together are inescapable, even without love. Now, 30 years later, Aldo and Vanda are still married.
Neapole, 80. gadu sākums. Aldo un Vanda šķiras pēc tam, kad viņš atklāj savu romānu. Viņu divi mazie bērni ir plosījušies starp vecākiem, aizvainojuma virpulī. Taču saites, kas satur cilvēkus kopā, ir neizbēgamas pat bez mīlestības. Tagad, pēc 30 gadiem, Aldo un Vanda joprojām ir precējušies.
Naples, early 1980’s. Aldo and Vanda go through a separation, after he reveals his affair. Their two young children are torn between their parents, in a whirlwind of resentment. But the ties that keep people together are inescapable, even without love. Now, 30 years later, Aldo and Vanda are still married.