Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
13.04.2018 Epizode 1 (Narumi and Hirotaka Meets Again, and...)
20.04.2018 Epizode 2 (Are We Now Dating?)
27.04.2018 Epizode 3 (Sales Event and Gamers Meetup)
04.05.2018 Epizode 4 (Is Mature Love as Difficult?)
11.05.2018 Epizode 5 (Introducing Naoya and Gamers Meetup (Part II))
18.05.2018 Epizode 6 (Bleak Christmas)
25.05.2018 Epizode 7 (Online Gaming and Their Respective Nights)
01.06.2018 Epizode 8 (Weakness is Thunder and Years of Insecurity)
08.06.2018 Epizode 9 (Go Out on a Date with Me!)
15.06.2018 Epizode 10 (Introducing Kou-kun and Online Gaming Revenge)
22.06.2018 Epizode 11 (Love Is Hard for Otaku)