Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
05.11.2020 Epizode 1 (Pilot)
12.11.2020 Epizode 2 (Die Alysis)
19.11.2020 Epizode 3 (Foreign Bodies)
03.12.2020 Epizode 4 (Joint Pain)
17.12.2020 Epizode 5 (High Risk Factor)
21.01.2021 Epizode 6 (Open Heart Surgery)
11.02.2021 Epizode 7 (Phantom Limb)
18.02.2021 Epizode 8 (Integration Therapy)
25.02.2021 Epizode 9 (B Negative (1))
04.03.2021 Epizode 10 (B Negative (2))
11.03.2021 Epizode 11 (Recessive Gina)
01.04.2021 Epizode 12 (Canine Extraction)
08.04.2021 Epizode 13 (Inflammatory Response)
15.04.2021 Epizode 14 (Love Life Support)
22.04.2021 Epizode 15 (Miss Diagnosis)
29.04.2021 Epizode 16 (A Cute Asphyxiation)
06.05.2021 Epizode 17 (Transplanticipation)
13.05.2021 Epizode 18 (Life Expectancy)
Sezona 2
14.10.2021 Epizode 1 (Love, Taxes and a Kidney)
21.10.2021 Epizode 2 (Vermont, Switzerland and Connecticut)
28.10.2021 Epizode 3 (Bagels, Billiards and a Magic Show)
04.11.2021 Epizode 4 (Baseball, Walkers and Wine)
11.11.2021 Epizode 5 (Novocaine, Bond and Bocce)
18.11.2021 Epizode 6 (A Dishwasher, a Fire and a Remote Control)
02.12.2021 Epizode 7 (A Camper, a Compass and a Cannoli)
09.12.2021 Epizode 8 (A Dog, a Mousse and a Bat)
06.01.2022 Epizode 9 (Heartburn, Woodstock and Ribs)
13.01.2022 Epizode 10 (S'mores, Elvis and a Cubano)
20.01.2022 Epizode 11 (Louisville, Bubbaroo and Sully)
27.01.2022 Epizode 12 (Dagobah, a Room and a Chimney Sweep)
27.01.2022 Epizode 13 (A Boss, a Bear Claw and a Defibrillator)
24.02.2022 Epizode 14 (Osteoporosis, a Thaaang and a Slinky)
03.03.2022 Epizode 15 (Payroll, a Waterfall and Valley Forge)
10.03.2022 Epizode 16 (Juneau, Froyo and Mario Kart)