Iedomājieties, ja vēlēsities, mazliet apmierināta precēta sieviete dzimšanas dienas svinību laikā noskaidrot sava vīra neticību. Tas notiek ar Mariju-Franciju, kad viņas vīrs Henri no kabatas izvelk biksītes, lai izmantotu to kā kabatlakatiņu. Marie-France kļūst nikna, vētras ārā no mājas. Viņa dēls Sebastians un viņa sieva Klementīne, cīņas pāris, nolemj aizvest Mariju-Franciju uz viņu niecīgo dzīvokli, kaut arī viņiem šķiet, ka tā ir pagaidu vienošanās. Maz viņi zināja, par ko viņi nokļūst ...
Imagine, if you will, a somewhat contented married woman finding out her husband's infidelity during the celebration of a birthday party. That is what happens to Marie-France, when her husband, Henri, pulls out panties from his pocket to be used as a handkerchief. Marie-France becomes furious, storming out of the house. His son, Sebastian and his wife, Clementine, a struggling couple, decide to take Marie-France to their tiny apartment, something they feel it is a temporary arrangement. Little did they know what they were getting into...
Iedomājieties, ja vēlēsities, mazliet apmierināta precēta sieviete dzimšanas dienas svinību laikā noskaidrot sava vīra neticību. Tas notiek ar Mariju-Franciju, kad viņas vīrs Henri no kabatas izvelk biksītes, lai izmantotu to kā kabatlakatiņu. Marie-France kļūst nikna, vētras ārā no mājas. Viņa dēls Sebastians un viņa sieva Klementīne, cīņas pāris, nolemj aizvest Mariju-Franciju uz viņu niecīgo dzīvokli, kaut arī viņiem šķiet, ka tā ir pagaidu vienošanās. Maz viņi zināja, par ko viņi nokļūst ...
Imagine, if you will, a somewhat contented married woman finding out her husband's infidelity during the celebration of a birthday party. That is what happens to Marie-France, when her husband, Henri, pulls out panties from his pocket to be used as a handkerchief. Marie-France becomes furious, storming out of the house. His son, Sebastian and his wife, Clementine, a struggling couple, decide to take Marie-France to their tiny apartment, something they feel it is a temporary arrangement. Little did they know what they were getting into...