Sems un Greja ir tik labi savienoti pāri, ka ir grūti noticēt, ka viņi ir brālis un māsa, nevis vīrs un sieva. Viņiem abiem patīk 1940. gada filmu un deju mīlestība, un, satiekoties ar Čārliju, viņiem ir kaut kas cits kopīgs: viņi abi iemīlas viņā. Sāmai jātiek galā ar negaidītām greizsirdības sajūtām, kamēr Greisa cenšas samierināties ar savu seksuālo orientāciju.
Sam and Gray are such a well-matched pair that it is difficult to believe they are brother and sister rather than husband and wife. They both share a love of 1940s movies and dancing, and when they meet Charlie, they have something else in common: They both fall in love with her. Sam must deal with unexpected feelings of jealousy, while Gray struggles to come to terms with her sexual orientation.
Sems un Greja ir tik labi savienoti pāri, ka ir grūti noticēt, ka viņi ir brālis un māsa, nevis vīrs un sieva. Viņiem abiem patīk 1940. gada filmu un deju mīlestība, un, satiekoties ar Čārliju, viņiem ir kaut kas cits kopīgs: viņi abi iemīlas viņā. Sāmai jātiek galā ar negaidītām greizsirdības sajūtām, kamēr Greisa cenšas samierināties ar savu seksuālo orientāciju.
Sam and Gray are such a well-matched pair that it is difficult to believe they are brother and sister rather than husband and wife. They both share a love of 1940s movies and dancing, and when they meet Charlie, they have something else in common: They both fall in love with her. Sam must deal with unexpected feelings of jealousy, while Gray struggles to come to terms with her sexual orientation.