Rakstnieks un Adderall entuziasts Stefans Elliots sasniedz zemu punktu, kad viņa tēvs atsvešinās, apgalvojot, ka Stefans ir izgatavojis daudz tumšās bērnības, kas veicina viņa rakstīšanu. Ievietojot nedrošo pelēko zonu, Stefanu vada trīs iedvesmas avoti: jauna romantika, labākais draugs, kurš dalās ar savu vēsturi, un slepkavības tiesas process, kas viņam vairāk nekā nedaudz atgādina viņa paša stāstu. Balstīts uz tāda paša nosaukuma memuāriem.
Writer and Adderall enthusiast Stephen Elliott reaches a low point when his estranged father resurfaces, claiming that Stephen has fabricated much of the dark childhood that that fuels his writing. Adrift in the precarious gray area of memory, Stephen is led by three sources of inspiration: a new romance, the best friend who shares his history, and a murder trial that reminds him more than a little of his own story. Based on the memoir of the same name.
Rakstnieks un Adderall entuziasts Stefans Elliots sasniedz zemu punktu, kad viņa tēvs atsvešinās, apgalvojot, ka Stefans ir izgatavojis daudz tumšās bērnības, kas veicina viņa rakstīšanu. Ievietojot nedrošo pelēko zonu, Stefanu vada trīs iedvesmas avoti: jauna romantika, labākais draugs, kurš dalās ar savu vēsturi, un slepkavības tiesas process, kas viņam vairāk nekā nedaudz atgādina viņa paša stāstu. Balstīts uz tāda paša nosaukuma memuāriem.
Writer and Adderall enthusiast Stephen Elliott reaches a low point when his estranged father resurfaces, claiming that Stephen has fabricated much of the dark childhood that that fuels his writing. Adrift in the precarious gray area of memory, Stephen is led by three sources of inspiration: a new romance, the best friend who shares his history, and a murder trial that reminds him more than a little of his own story. Based on the memoir of the same name.