Slepenu telefona ziņojumu un vīziju sērija vajā rakstnieku, kamēr viņš cīnās, lai pabeigtu romānu. Palielinoties to intensitātei, viņš zaudē saķeri ar realitāti, galu galā apsēšot veco noslēpumu, kas izraisīs šausminošas atklāsmes gan par viņu, gan par viņa uzticīgo sievu.
A series of cryptic phone messages and visions haunt a writer while he struggles to finish a novel. As they increase in intensity, he loses his grip on reality, eventually obsessing over an old mystery that will lead to horrific revelations about both him and his loyal wife.
Slepenu telefona ziņojumu un vīziju sērija vajā rakstnieku, kamēr viņš cīnās, lai pabeigtu romānu. Palielinoties to intensitātei, viņš zaudē saķeri ar realitāti, galu galā apsēšot veco noslēpumu, kas izraisīs šausminošas atklāsmes gan par viņu, gan par viņa uzticīgo sievu.
A series of cryptic phone messages and visions haunt a writer while he struggles to finish a novel. As they increase in intensity, he loses his grip on reality, eventually obsessing over an old mystery that will lead to horrific revelations about both him and his loyal wife.