Molly ir vidusskolas trenera treneris, kurš par futbolu zina tikpat daudz kā jebkurš cits uz planētas. Kad futbola treneres amats kļūst brīvs, viņa piesakās darbam, neraugoties uz kolēģiem un viņas bijušo vīru.
Molly is a high school track coach who knows just as much about football as anyone else on the planet. When a football coach's position becomes vacant, she applies for the job, despite snickers from fellow staff members and her former husband.
Molly ir vidusskolas trenera treneris, kurš par futbolu zina tikpat daudz kā jebkurš cits uz planētas. Kad futbola treneres amats kļūst brīvs, viņa piesakās darbam, neraugoties uz kolēģiem un viņas bijušo vīru.
Molly is a high school track coach who knows just as much about football as anyone else on the planet. When a football coach's position becomes vacant, she applies for the job, despite snickers from fellow staff members and her former husband.