Pēc tam, kad tēvs paņem savus divus brāļus un augstu tai pakļauj, Pīls ir spiests izaugt apcietinātas attīstības stāvoklī. Kad māte nomirst, viņam ir jānovirza savs ceļš un jāmēģina atrast pazudušie brāļi.
After his father takes his two brothers and high tails it, Peel is forced to grow up in a state of arrested development. Once his mother dies, he must forge his own path and attempts to find his lost brethren.
Pēc tam, kad tēvs paņem savus divus brāļus un augstu tai pakļauj, Pīls ir spiests izaugt apcietinātas attīstības stāvoklī. Kad māte nomirst, viņam ir jānovirza savs ceļš un jāmēģina atrast pazudušie brāļi.
After his father takes his two brothers and high tails it, Peel is forced to grow up in a state of arrested development. Once his mother dies, he must forge his own path and attempts to find his lost brethren.