Svinot viņu samierināšanos un sešus laulības gadus, amerikāņu aktrise Sallija Neša un britu romānu autore Džo Terriana viesībās uzņem savus tuvākos draugus, dažus kolēģus un kaimiņos esošos kaimiņus. Ekstazes ietekmē tiek atklātas atklāsmes un attiecības starp grupām pasliktinās.
While celebrating their reconciliation and six years of marriage, the American actress Sally Nash and the British novelist Joe Therrian receive their close friends, some colleagues and their next door neighbors in a party. Under the effect of Ecstasy, revelations are disclosed and relationships deteriorate among the group.
Svinot viņu samierināšanos un sešus laulības gadus, amerikāņu aktrise Sallija Neša un britu romānu autore Džo Terriana viesībās uzņem savus tuvākos draugus, dažus kolēģus un kaimiņos esošos kaimiņus. Ekstazes ietekmē tiek atklātas atklāsmes un attiecības starp grupām pasliktinās.
While celebrating their reconciliation and six years of marriage, the American actress Sally Nash and the British novelist Joe Therrian receive their close friends, some colleagues and their next door neighbors in a party. Under the effect of Ecstasy, revelations are disclosed and relationships deteriorate among the group.