Shambhunath Mishra, a retired middle school teacher is living a mundane middle-class life with his wife Manju Mishra in Gwalior. Life takes a complete turn for the Mishra family when a situation gets out of hand and it leads to a killing at the hands of Shambhunath Mishra. Mishra ji has very little time to plan cautiously to turn this into a “perfect murder” and leave no trace behind.
Carl Nargle, Vermont’s #1 public television painter, is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke… until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.
Jess, a newly separated mother and nurse, moves into her old family farmhouse with Tyler, her teenage daughter, and Owen, her eight-year-old son. One night, the family dog senses something in the woods and runs off to find it. He returns a couple of days later and attacks Owen, savagely biting him before Jess is able to intervene. Owen is rushed to the hospital. His condition worsens, and no one can figure out why... until Jess discovers a disturbing cure...
On a trip to her hometown, workaholic Ally reminisces with her first love Sean, and starts to question everything about the person she's become. Things only get more confusing when she meets Sean's fiancé, Cassidy, who reminds her of the person she used to be.
When the tenacious young sailor Jessica Watson sets out to be the youngest person to sail solo, nonstop and unassisted around the world, many expect her to fail. With the support of her sailing coach and mentor Ben Bryant and her parents, Jessica is determined to accomplish what was thought to be impossible, navigating some of the world’s most challenging stretches of ocean over the course of 210 days.
The story of Nike’s longshot effort to sign rising superstar basketball player Michael Jordan to its shoe company in the mid-1980s, an endorsement that seemed impossible at the time but which, thanks to the maverick sneaker salesman Sonny Vaccarro, would become the most significant relationship between an athletic brand and an athlete of all time.
Wade in the Water: A Journey into Black Surfing and Aquatic Culture (2023) reclaims the 1,000-year-old tradition of Black surfing. Braiding historical accounts with modern-day testimonials, the film dismantles the racial barriers of conventional surf culture, delves into the overlooked history of Black surfing's legacy, and honors its current movement—inspiring the next generation of Black surfers.
1983 - A young biologist returns home from studies abroad, and feels something wrong with his body. This is the start of the AIDS crisis when the first wave of the epidemic hit Brazil. Lives will change, friends lost and the future uncertain.
Paris, summer 1942. Irene is a young, bubbly, 19-year-old Jewish girl. Her family watches her discover the world, friends, new love and a passion for the theatre. The aspiring actress is living her youthful life without a care in the world, but she does not know that time may be running out.