30-летний Жан вот уже десять лет странствует по свету, разорвав связи и с семьей, и с Бургундией, где прошло его детство. Но вот отец Жана занемог и ему приходится возвратиться в родную Францию. Лето близится к завершению, а сбор винограда, который вот-вот начнется, позволит Жану вновь сблизиться с сестрой Джульеттой и кузеном Джереми, чтобы решить дельнейшую судьбу семейного виноградника.
Спасаясь от тирана-отца и мрачного прошлого в Великобритании, Роуз и ее четверо детей переселяются в фамильный особняк в американской глуши. Вскоре Роуз умирает, но ее несовершеннолетние дети решают скрывать смерть матери от властей, опасаясь, что их разлучат и раздадут по приютам, до тех пор, пока старшему ребенку, Джеку, не исполнится 21 год. Однако вскоре на пороге их дома появляется любопытный адвокат, и его появление неожиданно открывает мрачные тайны фамильного особняка.
Jane has always been good at taking care of others, but not so much in looking after herself. Her entire life has been about making people happy - and she has a closet full of 27 bridesmaid dresses to prove it. One memorable evening, Jane manages to shuttle between wedding receptions in Manhattan and Brooklyn, a feat witnessed by Kevin (James Marsden), a newspaper reporter who realizes that a story about this wedding junkie is his ticket off the newspaper's bridal beat.
Jane finds Kevin's cynicism counter to everything she holds dear - namely weddings, and the two lock horns. Further complicating Jane's once perfectly-ordered life is the arrival of younger sister Tess (Malin Akerman). Tess immediately captures the heart of Jane's boss, George (Edward Burns). Tess enlists her always-accommodating sister to plan yet another wedding - Tess and George's - but Jane's feelings for him lead to shocking revelations... and maybe the beginning of a new life.
Cast: Katherine Heigl, James Marsden, Malin Akerman, Ed Burns, Melora Hardin, Judy Greer
Directed by Anne Fletcher
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
In 1929 an impoverished nine-year-old named Chiyo from a fishing village is sold to a geisha house in Kyoto's Gion district and subjected to cruel treatment from the owners and the head geisha Hatsumomo. Her stunning beauty attracts the vindictive jealousy of Hatsumomo, until she is rescued by and taken under the wing of Hatsumomo's bitter rival, Mameha. Under Mameha's mentorship, Chiyo becomes the geisha named Sayuri, trained in all the artistic and social skills a geisha must master in order to survive in her society. As a renowned geisha she enters a society of wealth, privilege, and political intrigue. As World War II looms Japan and the geisha's world are forever changed by the onslaught of history.
Starring: Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh, Koji Yakusho, Kaori Momoi
Directed by Rob Marshall
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
Keaton stars as Daphne Wilder, a mother whose love knows no bounds or boundaries. She is the proud mom of three daughters: stable psychologist Maggie (Lauren Graham), sexy and irreverent Mae (Piper Perabo) and insecure, adorable Milly (Mandy Moore) - who, when it comes to men, is like psychotic flypaper. In order to prevent her youngest from making the same mistakes she did, Daphne decides to set Milly up with the perfect man. Little does Milly know, however, that her mom placed an ad in the online personals to find him. Comic mayhem unfolds as Daphne continues to do the wrong thing for the right reasons...all in the name of love. In a hilarious battle of strong wills, the mother-daughter dynamic is tested in all its fierce, wacky complexity. The girls help Daphne finally discover the truths and impossibilities of motherly love, all while trying to answer the questions: where does it begin and where should it end?
Cast: Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore, Gabriel Macht, Piper Perabo
Directed by Michael Lehmann
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
Short film "Hotel Chevalier" introduces story of three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray), and they eventually find themselves stranded alone in the middle of the desert with eleven suitcases, a printer, and a laminating machine. At this moment, a new, unplanned journey suddenly begins
Cast: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman
Directed by Wes Anderson
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
Freaky Friday
Anna doesn`t understand what it`s like to be a single mom with two kids, a carrier, and a mortgage. She`s a bit dramatic, mooning over a boy at school and playing guitar in a band. She should be focusing on her schoolwork and staying out of detention. Tess does not understand how much music means to her daughter. She thinks she knows everything - like she actually believes there`s a legitimate reasons why Anna always sent to detention. To make matters worse, Tess is getting remarried this weekend. Then one night a little mystic maythem changes their lives and they wake up to the biggest freak - out ever. Tess and Anna are trapped inside each other`s body! Tess`s wedding is Saturday and the two must find a way to switch back fast! Literally forced to walk in each other`s shoes, will they gain respect and understanding for the other`s point of view?
Когда кривая дорожка заставляет скрывающегося от правосудия Дома Торетто вернуться в Лос-Анджелес, вражда с агентом Брайаном О’Коннером вспыхивает с новой силой. Но у парочки обнаруживается общий противник, и Дому с Брайаном приходится заключить перемирие в надежде одержать над ним победу. Грабя конвои, роя подкопы и пересекая границы, они приходят к идеальной форме отмщения - педали газа, вдавленной до упора.
В главных ролях: Вин Дизель, Пол Уокер, Мишель Родригес, Джордана Брюстер, Лаз Алонсо, Гал Гадот, Джон Ортиз
Pежиссер: Джастин Лин
Based on the popular Newbery Award-winning novel, BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA is a fantasy/adventure story of friendship, family and the power of imagination from the producers of "The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe." Jess Aarons (JOSH HUTCHERSON) is an outsider at school and even in his own family. Jess has trained all summer to become the fastest kid in his middle school class but his goal is unexpectedly thwarted by the new girl in school, Leslie Burke (ANNASOPHIA ROBB) who competes in the "boys only" race and wins.
Despite their awkward introduction, the two outsiders quickly become best friends. Leslie loves to tell stories of fantasy and magic. Jess loves to draw, but until he met Leslie it was something he kept to himself. Leslie opens a new world of imagination for Jess. Together they create the secret kingdom of Terabithia, a magical place only accessible by swinging on an old rope over a stream in the woods near their homes. There, the friends rule the kingdom, fight the Dark Master and his creatures and plot against the school bullies. Thanks to his friendship with Leslie, Jess is changed for good. Brimming with fantastical creatures, palaces and beautiful forests, the world of Terabithia is brought to life by the amazing Academy Award®-winning visual effects wizards at Weta Digital ("The Lord of the Rings," "King Kong").
Cast: Josh Hutcherson, AnnaSophia Robb, Zooey Deschanel, Robert Patrick
Directed by Gabor Csupo
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
…2157 год. Пилоты Группы Свободного Поиска бороздят просторы Вселенной. Главный герой, Максим Камеррер, совершает вынужденную посадку на планете Саракш, но уже через несколько минут его корабль будет уничтожен, а герой окажется узником неизвестной планеты. Вскоре Максим сталкивается с человеческой цивилизацией. Уровень ее развития сопоставим с давно минувшим на Западе ХХ веком. После многолетней ядерной войны на планете царит экологический кризис, в обществе полно социальных проблем, а установившийся мир очень шаток… Максиму предстоит пережить много событий и пройти много испытаний прежде, чем он сможет спасти эту планету…
В ролях: Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Kutsenko, Sergei Garmash, Anna Mikhalkova, Andrei Merzlikin, Aleksei Serebryakov, Vasiliy Stepanov
Pежиссёр: Fyodor Bondarchuk
Cценарий: Marina Dyachenko, Sergei Dyachenko
Картина о двух самых напуганных людях на Земле, которым еще и выпало вести несчастных выживших сквозь мир, кишащий жадной до человеческих мозгов зомби.
В ролях: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin
Режиссер: Ruben Fleischer
Продюсер: Gavin Polone
Сценарий: Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Себастьян знает сладкий привкус легких побед. В его руках — чужие тайны и ключи от неприступных спален. Катрин устала от простых интриг и банальных признаний. Тогда современный Казанова и скучающая красавица придумывают себе новое развлечение. В их жестокой игре не хватает только жертвы…