
6.4 (27434 голосов)
This film is based on "Our Sunshine" by Robert Drew, a novel based on the life of Australian bushranger and icon, Ned Kelly. It tells of his life as a bushranger in north-west Victoria, where he lived all his life. He, his brother Dan, and two other men, Steve Hart and Joe Byrne, formed a gang. These four robbed a bank and hijacked an entire town for 3 days. They killed three policemen who were hunting them. They then took over a pub in Glenrowan, where they basically held a party, waiting for a train full of police to derail at a part of the track that they tore up. However a school teacher warned the train, so the gang and all the others in the pub ended up in a shootout with scores of policemen.

Stepford Wives | США
5.3 (54,732 голосов)
Пережившая нервный срыв руководительница телекомпании Джоанна Эберхарт переезжает вместе с мужем Уолтером в городок Степфорд, штат Коннектикут, чтобы побыть вдали от стрессов большого города. Этот райский уголок на первый взгляд представляется идеальным. Но вскоре Джоанна и ее новая подруга Бобби замечают, в кажущейся безмятежности есть что-то странное, настораживающее. Да и местные домохозяйки ведут себя как-то уж слишком подозрительно: все одинаково приветливые, ухоженные и скучные, как роботы. Джоанна решает во что бы то ни стало докопаться до тайны, которую скрывает совершенный город и его безупречные жены…

5.2 (92027 голосов)
In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. The Allies raid the camp where the ceremony is taking place, but not before a demon - Hellboy - has already been conjured. Joining the Allied forces, Hellboy eventually grows to adulthood, serving the cause of good rather than evil.

Catwoman | США
6.8 (3476 голосов)
Patience Philips (HALLE BERRY) is a woman who just won't stand up for herself - and the world is more than willing to step all over her in return. A meek people-pleaser, she squanders her considerable artistic talent in a thankless job as a graphics designer for behemoth cosmetics company Hedare Beauty, a 'youth and beauty at all costs' conglomerate run by the tyrannical George Hedare (LAMBERT WILSON) and his icy supermodel wife, Laurel (SHARON STONE). In a fateful turn of events, Patience's quiet life is forever changed when she overhears a conversation revealing that Hedare's too-good-to-be-true new anti-aging product is…too good to be true. Caught in the wrong place at the worst possible time, Patience is murdered to keep Hedare's secret safe. But all is not lost. Resurrected by mysterious forces, she awakens…and she doesn't come back alone. Suddenly gifted with strength, agility and ultra-keen senses, she is no longer just Patience - she is also Catwoman, a seductive creature delicately balancing on the dangerously thin line between good and bad.

Michel Vaillant | Франция
"Michel Vaillant," the car-racing adventure based on a popular comicstrip, raced into France without hitting top gear.

Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid | США
4.6 (27104 голосов)
A scientific expedition is sent to the jungles of Borneo to search for a rare black orchid by a powerful pharmaceutical company that hopes the orchid can be used to unlock the secrets of youth and immortality. What they discover is that the orchid is already being used by a powerful group... a swarm of giant snakes that derive their super strength, size and vitality from the flowers, and extremely large snakes are also extremely hungry snakes.

7.7 (368339 голосов)
Man on Fire - Oscar winner Denzel Washington stars as a government operative / soldier of fortune, who has pretty much given up on life. In Mexico City, he reluctantly agrees to take a job to protect a child (Dakota Fanning) whose parents are threatened by a wave of kidnappings. He eventually becomes close to the child and their relationship reawakens and rekindles his spirit. When she is abducted, his fiery rage is unleashed on those he feels responsible, and he stops at nothing to save her. Starring: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Mickey Rourke

Ladder 49 | США
6.5 (58340 голосов)
Under the watchful eye of his mentor Chief Mike Kennedy (Travolta), probationary firefighter Jack Morrison (Phoenix) matures into a seasoned veteran at a Baltimore fire station. Jack has reached a crossroads, however, as the sacrifices he's made have put him in harm's way innumerable times and significantly impacted his relationship with his wife and kids. Responding to the worst blaze in his career, he becomes trapped inside a 20-story building. And as he reflects on his life, Chief Kennedy frantically coordinates the effort to save him. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, John Travolta, Jacinda Barrett, Robert Patrick, Balthazar Getty, Morris Chestnut, Kevin Daniels, Billy Burke

Cellular | Германия| США
6.5 (86,319 голосов)
Джессику похищают и запирают на чердаке. Вся её надежда на неисправный, едва работающий телефон. Позвонив по первому попавшемуся номеру, она сообщает Райану (случайному молодому человеку) о своем похищении и о том, что её хотят убить, а также и её мужа и сына, за которыми теперь отправились похитители. Она не знает, где находится, а у единственного возможного спасителя скоро сядет батарейка телефона. Теперь Райану, знакомому с Джессикой только по ее паническому голосу, придется бороться со временем, которого остается все меньше, и постоянными проблемами со связью и лицом столкнуться с убийством и обманом.

Incredibles, The | США
8.0 (568,712 голосов)
История семьи супергероев, члены которой уже отошли от больших дел и предпочитают жить непримечательной жизнью обычных землян. В прошлом все они обладали сверхъестественными способностями и относительно легко справлялись с мировым злом.Но в один прекрасный день папаше и его домочадцам приходится вновь облачиться в прорезиненные костюмы супергероев (а для этого нужно срочно сбросить лишние килограммы!) и в очередной раз спасти человечество от таинственного злодея…

National Treasure | США
6.9 (339292 голосов)
Nicolas Cage stars as Ben Franklin Gates, an archaeologist and adventurer looking for the legendary lost treasure of the Templar Knights, spurred on by the stories he was told as a young man by his grandfather, John Adams Gates, twenty years before. John tells Ben the secret hiding place for the treasure is encoded on the back of the Declaration of Independence, placed there by none other than the founders of the United States of America, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Ben's father, Patrick Henry Gates, is more than well aware that treasure hunting has been the curse of the Gates family, and has soured on the entire idea. With the help of his best friend and partner in crime, a sarcastic, thrill seeking computer expert named Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), Riley and his team careen from one grave predicament to another. Starring: Nicolas Cage, Harvey Keitel, Jon Voight, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean, Christopher Plummer

5.6 (158880 голосов)
Conquering 90% of the known world by the age of 25, Alexander the Great (Farrell) led his armies through 22,000 miles of sieges and conquests in just eight years. Coming out of tiny Macedonia, Alexander led his armies against the mighty Persian Empire, drove west to Egypt, and finally made his way east to India. This film will concentrate on those eight years of battles, as well as his relationship with his boyhood friend and battle mate, Hephaestion. Alexander died young, of illness, at 33. Alexander's conquests paved the way for the spread of Greek culture (facilitating the spread of Christianity centuries later), and removed many of the obstacles that might have prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire. In other words, the world we know today might never have been if not for Alexander's bloody, yet unifying, conquest. Starring: Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Anthony Hopkins, Jared Leto, Rosario Dawson, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers

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