Жизнь харизматичного авантюриста, капитана Джека Воробья, полная увлекательных приключений, резко меняется, когда его заклятый враг - капитан Барбосса - похищает корабль Джека, Черную Жемчужину, а затем нападает на Порт Ройал и крадет прекрасную дочь губернатора, Элизабет Свонн. Друг детства Элизабет, Уилл Тернер, вместе с Джеком возглавляет спасательную экспедицию на самом быстром корабле Британии, в попытке вызволить девушку из плена и заодно отобрать у злодея Черную Жемчужину. Вслед за этой парочкой отправляется амбициозный коммодор Норрингтон, который к тому же числится женихом Элизабет. Однако Уилл не знает, что над Барбоссой висит вечное проклятие, при лунном свете превращающее его с командой в живых скелетов. Проклятье будет снято лишь тогда, когда украденное золото Ацтеков будет возвращено пиратами на старое место.
В полиции США существует множество видов спецназа, но самым крутым по праву считается Особое подразделение, отбор в ряды которого является настоящим испытанием. Джима Стрита из лос-анджелесской полиции зачисляют в состав Особого подразделения. После обучения и тренировок молодое пополнение во главе с командиром Хондо ждет первое испытание — перевозка известного наркобарона из тюрьмы в руки ФБР. Простое на первый взгляд задание осложняется тем, что богатый пленник назначает за свое освобождение невероятный куш — 100 миллионов долларов! Поэтому на всем пути следования подразделению предстоит отбивать непрекращающиеся атаки желающих получить награду…
Последняя часть трилогии о Кольце Всевластия и о героях, взявших на себя бремя спасения Средиземья. Повелитель сил Тьмы Саурон направляет свои бесчисленные рати под стены Минас-Тирита, крепости Последней Надежды. Он предвкушает близкую победу, но именно это и мешает ему заметить две крохотные фигурки — хоббитов, приближающихся к Роковой Горе, где им предстоит уничтожить Кольцо Всевластия. Улыбнется ли им счастье?..
Команда по выполнению спецопераций особой сложности послана в джунгли, в самое сердце Нигерии. Задача отважных ребят — разыскать и освободить из плена врача. Когда они находят несчастную женщину в забытой богом деревеньке, выясняется, что характер операции надо срочно менять: врач заявляет, что покинет джунгли, только если вместе с ней спецбригада прихватит еще 70 человек беженцев.
A top FBI profiler, Special Agent Illeana Scott (Academy Award-winner ANGELINA JOLIE) doesn't rely on traditional crime-solving techniques to unravel the mysteries of a murderous mind. Her intuitive, unconventional approach is often the only way to unlock the identities of the killers for the police to capture.
When detectives in Montreal, Canada handling a local homicide investigation reluctantly ask for an outsider's help to get inside the head of a cunning serial killer, Agent Scott joins the case. With meticulous insight, she theorizes that the chameleon-like killer is "life-jacking" - assuming the lives and identities of his victims.
As the pressure mounts to catch the elusive murderer, Agent Scott's unorthodox methods alienate her from a territorial police team that feels threatened by her uncanny abilities. Her seemingly cold demeanor belies an unparalleled passion for her work, and she's at her best when she's working alone. But when an unexpected attraction sparks a complicated romantic entanglement, the consummate specialist begins to doubt her finely honed instincts.
Alone in an unfamiliar city with no one she can trust, Agent Scott suddenly finds herself on a twisted and terrifying journey, surrounded by suspects in a case that has become chillingly personal.
Onetime Pony Express rider Frank T. Hopkins (Viggo Mortensen) experiences the adventure of a lifetime as he and his Mustang, Hidalgo, compete against the world`s finest Arabian stallions in the greatest endurance race ever run: the Ocean of Fire - 3,000 miles across the desert. For Frank, the Ocean of Fire becomes not only a matter of pride and honor, but a race for his very survival as he and his horse, Hidalgo, attempt the impossible.
Historians have thought for centuries that King Arthur was only a myth, but the legend was based on a real hero, torn between his private ambitions and his public sense of duty. A reluctant leader, Arthur (Owen) wishes only to leave Britain and return to the peace and stability of Rome. Before he can, one final mission leads him and his Knights of the Round Table - Lancelot, Galahad, Bors, Tristan, and Gawain - to the conclusion that when Rome is gone, Britain will need a leader to fill the vacuum. Britain needs a king - someone not only to defend against the current threat of invading Saxons, but to lead the isle into a new age. Under the guidance of Merlin, a former enemy, and the beautiful, courageous Guinevere (Knightley) by his side, Arthur will have to find the strength within himself to change the course of history.
Англия, 1645 год. Близится к концу кровопролитная Гражданская война. Одержав победу над войсками тирана Карла I, великие полководцы Фейрфакс и Кромвель намерены восстановить из пепла разрушенную страну и вернуть народу долгожданный мир. Но когда стихает грохот пушек, за дело берется политика, вбивая клин отчуждения между верными друзьями. Решительный лорд Кромвель хочет казнить короля, но дипломатичный Томас Фейрфакс, над которым довлеет его властная жена-монархистка, предпочитает сделку с парламентом. Не рассчитывая на помощь Фейрфакса, Кромвель решает в одиночку вершить судьбу своего государства…
Вычеркнув двоих из смертельного списка, Невеста лишь наполовину приблизилась к цели. Теперь на очереди Бад и Элли Драйвер, уже приговоренные воскресшей жертвой! Еще два опасных шага перед последней схваткой, в которой она должна Убить Билла!..
"The Punisher" tells the story of FBI undercover agent, Frank Castle, who until now has beat considerable odds. A former Special Forces operative, he is finally moving out of the field and into a desk job -- and a normal life with his wife and son. Then Castle's world is shaken to its core by a nightmare he has longed feared: his family is executed as a repercussion from his final undercover assignment. With unparalleled intensity, ferocious intelligence and fearless actions, Castle seeks to punish the murderers -- and finds the one thing he least expected: redemption. Marvel Comics' "The Punisher" made his first appearance over 25 years ago as a supporting character. The hero proved so popular with readers that he could not be contained in a peripheral role and by the 1990's he was starring in as many as three titles a month. In 2000, "The Punisher" reemerged as one of Marvel Comics' highest selling solo books and remains a top seller for the Company
Two years have passed, and the mild-mannered Peter Parker faces new challenges as he struggles with "the gift and the curse," desperately trying to balance his dual identities as the web-slinging superhero Spider-Man and his life as a college student. Tormented by his secrets, Peter finds that his relationships with all those he holds dear are in danger of unraveling. His life-long yearning for M.J. (Kirsten Dunst) becomes even stronger as he fights the impulse to reveal his secret life and declare his love. His friendship with Harry Osborn (James Franco) is complicated by the young Osborn's bitterness over his father's death and his growing vendetta against Spider-Man. Even Peter's beloved Aunt May (Rosemary Harris), who has fallen on hard times after the death of Uncle Ben, begins to have doubts about her nephew.
Peter's life is about to become even more complicated as he encounters a formidable new foe -- Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina). Peter must use all the powers at his disposal to try to stop this diabolical madman in his octagonal tracks.
Robert Scott (Val Kilmer) is a career military officer working for a highly sacretive special operations force. A man hardened by years of brutal service, he is respected by his peers and elders in the world of espionage. When Scott is recruited to find Laura Newton (Kristen Bell), the President's college-age daughter, he is paired with novice Curtis (Derek Luke), who becomes his protégé. Working with a special task force comprisednof Presidential Advisors, the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, Scott and Curtis stumble upon a white salvery ring, which may have some connection to Laura's disappearance.
As the story unfolds, the straigthforward search-and-rescue mission becomes complicated by Curtis' naivete and the political ambitions of those in high places - like Burch (Ed O'Neill) and Stoddard (William H. Macy), political operatives whomay know more than they're telling about the circumstances surrounding Laura's abduction.
Scott and Curtis are on the bank of tracking Laura's whereabouts when their clandestine mission comes to an abrupt conclusion as the media issues reports of the girl's death. Scott returns to the quiet life as a rural landowner and awaits his next assignment in relative peace. But Curtis can't rest. He seeks out Scott to confide his belief that Laura is alive. If she is, their continued unofficial investigation will put them - as well as Laura - at the center of a dangerous conspiracy that reaches the highest leavels.