
6.7 (133027 голосов)
Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair and an even bigger heart, has only one passion - dancing. Her dream is to appear on "The Corny Collins Show," Baltimore's hippest dance party on TV. Tracy (Nikki Blonsky) seems a natural fit for the show except for one not-so-little problem - she doesn't fit. Her plus-sized figure has always set her apart from the in-crowd, which she is reminded of by her loving but overly protective plus-sized mother, Edna (John Travolta). That doesn't stop Tracy because if there is one thing that this big girl knows, it's that she was born to boogie. Cast: John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Queen Latifah, Christopher Walken, Amanda Bynes, James Marsden, Brittany Snow, Nicole Blonsky, Zac Efron, Allison Janney Directed by Adam Shankman Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Across the Universe | США
7.3 (111539 голосов)
A love story set against the backdrop of the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest, mind exploration and rock 'n roll, the film moves from the dockyards of Liverpool to the creative psychedelia of Greenwich Village, from the riot-torn streets of Detroit to the killing fields of Vietnam. The star-crossed lovers, Jude (Jim Sturgess) and Lucy (Evan Rachel Wood), along with a small group of friends and musicians, are swept up into the emerging anti-war and counterculture movements, with "Dr. Robert" (Bono) and "Mr. Kite" (Eddie Izzard) as their guides. Tumultuous forces outside their control ultimately tear the young lovers apart, forcing Jude and Lucy -- against all odds -- to find their own way back to each other. Cast: Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturges, Bono, Salma Hayek, Joe Cocker, Max Carrigan Directed by Julie Taymor Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Duplicity | Германия| США
Сюжет строится вокруг двух конкурирующих фармацевтических компаний, главы которых стремятся первыми выйти на рынок с новым лекарством. Оуэн и Робертс изображают корпоративных шпионов, работающих в тылу врага по разные стороны баррикад, но втихаря крутящих друг с другом роман. В ролях: Julia Roberts, Clive Owen, Tom Wilkinson, Paul Giamatti Режиссер: Tony Gilroy

Hannah Montana: The Movie | США
Когда популярность Ханны Монтаны берет верх над жизнью Майли Стюарт, ее отец принимает решение совершить поездку в ее родной город Тенесси,чтобы понять какая перспектива имеет большее значение в жизни Майли. В ролях: Майли Сайрус, Тайра Бэнкс, Тейлор Свифт, Эмили Осмент, Билли Рей Сайрус, Мелора Хардин, Ванесса Уильямс, Джейсон Ерлс, Митчел Муссо и др. Режиссер: Питер Челсом

Zero kilometer | Россия
6.1 (320 голосов)
This is a modern story about two young guys from Murmansk, who arrived to conquer Moscow. Purposeful Kostya wants to become a clip maker. Crafty Oleg sees his success in financial prosperity. Both get the chance to make the dream come true, but love at first sight, that occurred between Kostya and young charming ballet dancer Alina, gets out so much skeletons from wardrobe, that film turns into the action movie. Cast: Aleksandrs Limarevs, Konstantīns Krjukovs, Svetlana Hodčenkova, Ivans Židkovs, Aleksandrs Jefimovs Directed by Pāvels Sanājevs Movie in Russian. ** with translation in Latvian - show on 6th November, at 10:45

One love on one million | Россия
5.8 (137 голосов)
Mityai and Anya didn't know about each other existence. Till that time when they have agreed to take a part in doubtful adventure: he - to rescue a friend, she - to earn money. Mityai loves good music and trusts in friendship. He don't need neither money, nor glory . Practical ?nya does not trust anybody, but soon understands, that for Mitya she is ready to make exception. Young heroes doesn't guess at once, that it could threaten with fatal danger. To survive and not to lose itself, to get rid of false million dollars and to keep the love - they choose all this things at once. Therefore they have a chance. Cast: Ruslan Kurik, Angelina Mirimskaya, Dmitri Maryanov, Yelena Morozova. Directed by Vladimir Shchegolkov Movie in Russian with subtitles in Latvian.

Herbie: Fully Loaded | США
4.9 (48885 голосов)
Start your engines! Herbie, the most beloved car star of them all, is back. Lohan stars as Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the freewheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - who puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor. Herbies's got some new tricks under his hood as he takes his audiences for an action-packed spin in this high-speed comedy. Casting: Lindsay Lohan, Justin Long, Breckin Meyer, Matt Dillon, Michael Keaton English with latvia and russian subtitles.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button | США
Рождённый стариком, Бенджамин Баттон не стареет. Вместо этого ему приходится молодеть. Становясь всё моложе, он влюбляется в 30-летнюю женщину. Но что делать, если он продолжает молодеть? Режиссер: Дэвид Финчер В ролях: Брэд Питт, Кейт Бланшетт, Тильда Свинтон, Тарайи П. Хенсон, Джейсон Флеминг, Элиас Котеас, Джулия Ормонд.

Beverly Hills Chihuahua | США
Привыкшая к роскошной жизни в Беверли-Хиллз, капризная собачка ухитряется потеряться посередине шумного Мехико – без знакомых, без средств к существованию, и без малейшего понятия, где провести ночь и чем поужинать. Но даже если ты не знаешь испанского, к югу от американской границы у тебя все равно найдутся настоящие друзья... Режиссер: Раджа Госнелл В ролях: Дрю Бэрримор, Энди Гарсиа, Джордж Лопез, Чич Марин, Пол Родригез, Плачидо Доминго, Эдвард Джеймс Олмос, Лоретта Дивайн, Мишель Ури, Луис Гузман

Bedtime Stories | США
Когда сказки, рассказываемые детям на ночь, начинают оживать — это здорово. Когда ты можешь на них влиять — это еще лучше. Но когда дети начинают примешивать к твоим фантазиям свои — начинаются проблемы. Режиссёр: Адам Шенкман В ролях: Адам Сэндлер, Гай Пирс, Кери Расселл, Ричард Гриффитс и другие.

Mechenosets | Россия
4.8 (895 голосов)
Sasha is moving through his life, leaving a bloody trace behind him. He's being hunted. But it's the hunters, who will suffer if they finally catch him. As Sasha grows up, he becomes a weapon of justice. The more loathsome crime, the more dreadful punishment. Sasha is too dangerous to live with men, so they turn against him. He's got unbelievable powers, which can destroy everyone that comes his way. But then suddenly She appears. She knows nothing about Sasha, she just loves him. Would Sasha want to save his love in this cruel world? This is a real drama of the man, who tries hard to be a man. This is a story about flesh that turns into steel… New Philip Yankovsky sci-fi thriller "Mechenosets" featuring Russian movie star Chulpan Khamatova! Cast: Artyom Tkachenko, Chulpan Khamatova, Leonid Gromov, Alexei Zharkov, Alexei Gorbunov, Tatyana Lyutayeva Directed by Philipp Yankovsky In Russian with Latvian subtitles.

7.7 (461674 голосов)
Bob Harris (played by Bill Murray) is an American film actor, far past his prime. He visits Tokyo to appear in commercials, and he meets Charlotte (Scarlett Johannson), the young wife of a visiting photographer. Bored and weary, Bob and Charlotte make ideal if improbable travelling companions. Scarlet is looking for "her place in life," and Bob is tolerating a mediocre stateside marriage. Both separately and together, they live the experience of the American in Tokyo. Bob and Charlotte suffer both confusion and hilarity due to the cultural and language differences between themselves and the Japanese. As the relationship between Bob and Charlotte deepens, they come to the realization that their visits to Japan, and one another, must soon end. Or must they?

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