Конец дружбе Эммы и Лив кладут их свадьбы, намеченные на один и тот же день. Никто не хочет уступать товарке, и погулять сначала у нее, а потом закатить пир самой. Девушки начинают отчаянную конкуренцию за место проведения торжества, гостей и предоставляемые услуги, не желая ни в чем уступать сопернице…
В ролях: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Johnson, Bryan Greenberg
Режиссер:Gary Winick
Сценарист: David Scarpa
Продюсер: Paul Harris Boardman
От всемирной известности до греховных глубин — все это познал на своей шкуре Джон Форбс Нэш-младший. Математический гений, он на заре своей карьеры сделал титаническую работу в области теории игр, которая практически перевернула этот раздел математики и практически принесла ему международную известность.Однако буквально в то же время заносчивый и пользующийся успехом у женщин Нэш получает удар, который переворачивает уже его собственную жизнь — врачи ставят ему диагноз «параноидная шизофрения»…
When David (Mark Ruffalo) sublet his quaint San Francisco apartment, the last thing he expected -- or wanted -- was a roommate. He had only begun to make a complete mess of the place when a pretty young woman named Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) suddenly shows up, adamantly insisting the apartment is hers. David assumes there's been a giant misunderstanding…until Elizabeth disappears as mysteriously as she appeared. Changing the locks does nothing to deter Elizabeth, who begins to appear and disappear at will -- mostly to rebuke David for his personal living habits in her apartment. Convinced that she is a ghost, David tries to help Elizabeth cross over to the "other side." But while Elizabeth has discovered she does have a distinctly ethereal quality -- she can walk through walls -- she is equally convinced that she is somehow still alive and isn't crossing over anywhere. As Elizabeth and David search for the truth about who Elizabeth is and how she came to be in her present state, their relationship deepens into love. Unfortunately, they have very little time before their prospects for a future together permanently fade away.
Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Mark Ruffalo, Jon Heder
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
Безответственная и легкомысленная Мэгги Феллер поселяется у своей старшей сестры Роуз, которая работает адвокатом и придерживается во всем строгих правил. Неприятности начинаются с того, что Мэгги затаскивает к себе в постель бойфренда Роуз.
The events that overwhelm a middle-aged, seemingly happily married couple. The arrogant, bourgeois M. Hervey descends from a train into the teeming bustle of the city. While on his way home, he reflects on the sturdiness of his life: the success he has made of it, and the fortress of security he has built around himself. It is not long before his self-satisfaction is rudely shattered when he discovers a letter from his wife, Gabrielle, waiting for him on his sideboard. The contents of the message will crumble that security and plunge him into newfound feelings of vulnerability, abandonment and betrayal. Husband and wife find themselves engaged in a parry-and-thrust of emotions that change mid-sentence and stretch their ability to function and live in the same house.
In Competition at the 62nd Venice International Film Festival, 2005. Isabelle Huppert won Special Lion for Exceptional Outstanding performance in Gabrielle, and in life career.
Starring: Isabelle Huppert, Pascal Greggory, Claudia Coli, Thierry Hancisse, Chantal Neuwirth
French language with latvian and russian subtitles.
Красавица-мексиканка Камилла мечтает выйти замуж за преуспевающего американца. Она планомерно идет к своей цели, заводя нужные знакомства. Однажды Камилла встречает начинающего итальянского писателя, эмигранта Артуро. Как у всякого порядочного мужчины, у него есть свой «скелет в шкафу» в виде привлекательной голубоглазой блондинки. Но любовь уже, как вихрь, ворвалась в сердце Камиллы…
Based on the timeless masterpiece by Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez and spanning a half-century in the complex, magical and sensual city of Cartage?a, Colombia, the sweeping romantic epic tells the story of a man who waits over fifty years for his one true love.
Cast: Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Benjamin Bratt, John Leguizamo u.c.
Directed by Mike Newell
Script: Ronald Harwood, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Producer: Scott Steindorff
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
Eight couples, four uncouplings, two weddings, two graves, an angry father, a grieving couple, love, sex, heartache, and a dog. Penniless kids Oscar and Chloe meet at Bradley's coffee shop, fall in love, and share their dreams. Bradley's wife falls for another woman when he's not paying attention. He tries again with his realtor, who's having an affair with a married man. Watching all and providing counsel is Harry, a professor on leave, married to the patient Esther and paralyzed by grief. What is love's nature: blindness in the service of procreation, heartbreak, or everything? Can Chloe, Harry, and Bradley discover the answer?
Cast: Morgan Freeman, Greg Kinnear, Radha Mitchell, Billy Burke, Selma Blair
Directed by Robert Benton
Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
Фильм рассказывает историю английского поэта Джона Китса, скончавшегося в 25-летнем возрасте от чахотки. Последние три года своей жизни Джон понимал, что постепенно угасает, и именно в это время началась его романтическая связь с девушкой Фанни Браун.
В ролях: Ben Whishaw, Abbie Cornish, Kerry Fox, Paul Schneider
Pежиссёр: Jane Campion
Cценарий: Jane Campion
5x2 is a haunting and realistic evocation of the evanescence of love, and how adult relationships evolve over time. Returning to a more intimate scale following his international smash, SWIMMING POOL, Ozon's chamber drama is an anatomy of a failed marriage told in reverse chronology, starting with the finalization of the couple1s divorce and concluding, literally, as they walk off into the sunset for their first encounter. Subverting the conventions of cinema romance along with audience expectations of happy endings, Ozon focuses on five key chapters in these two people's lives--including the first blush of sexual attraction, the wedding night, and the birth of their first child--that reveal the inextricable emotional ties between them, at the same time they expose the inevitable seeds of discord.
Starring: Stéphane Freiss, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Géraldine Pailhas, Fran?oise Fabian, Michael Lonsdale, Antoine Chappey
French language with latvian and russian subtitles.
The story catches up with FBI agent Gracie Hart shortly after she successfully disarmed a threat against the Miss United States Pageant while working undercover as a contestant in "Miss Congeniality". Having become a media celebrity following her heroic pageant exploits, Gracie has been spending more time lately at the salon than the shooting range, working the talk show circuit and promoting her book. When her friends, pageant winner Cheryl and emcee Stan, are kidnapped in Las Vegas, Gracie's all-out efforts to jump back into action to save them puts her at loggerheads with the FBI top brass who don't want to risk losing their mascot and fear she might not be up to the job anymore.
Starring: Sandra Bullock, Regina King, Enrique Murciano, Diedrich Bader, Heather Burns, William Shatner
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
История о двух кладоискателях, которые сначала развелись, разочаровавшись в своём увлечении и друг в друге, а затем разом напали на след настоящего сокровища.