Лига выдающихся джентльменов — это отряд супергероев под предводительством бесстрашного Алана Куотермейна. Члены Лиги — изгои с разным прошлым и уникальными талантами. Им предстоит научиться доверять друг другу и работать в одной команде, чтобы спасти человечество. Некий безумец в маске по прозвищу Фантом планирует сорвать конференцию мировых лидеров, подорвав и затопив Венецию. Это преступление может обернутся катастрофой для всей планеты. Чтобы его предотвратить, в распоряжении у Лиги всего девять часов.
Брюс Нолан — популярный ведущий теленовостей в Буффало. Он — пессимист, и его ничего не интересует в этой жизни, даже девушка Грейс, которая любит его, несмотря на всю его вредность.Его репортажи интересуют всех, кроме его самого. Мечта Брюса — быть ведущим, тем более местечко вот-вот должно освободиться. Но однажды Брюса настигает неудача, и его увольняют с работы. В конец разочарованный Брюс гневается на Бога, а тот… отвечает ему! Всемогущий предлагает Брюсу сменить его на неделю и посмотреть, сможет ли он сделать мир хоть чуточку лучше…
Жизнь харизматичного авантюриста, капитана Джека Воробья, полная увлекательных приключений, резко меняется, когда его заклятый враг - капитан Барбосса - похищает корабль Джека, Черную Жемчужину, а затем нападает на Порт Ройал и крадет прекрасную дочь губернатора, Элизабет Свонн. Друг детства Элизабет, Уилл Тернер, вместе с Джеком возглавляет спасательную экспедицию на самом быстром корабле Британии, в попытке вызволить девушку из плена и заодно отобрать у злодея Черную Жемчужину. Вслед за этой парочкой отправляется амбициозный коммодор Норрингтон, который к тому же числится женихом Элизабет. Однако Уилл не знает, что над Барбоссой висит вечное проклятие, при лунном свете превращающее его с командой в живых скелетов. Проклятье будет снято лишь тогда, когда украденное золото Ацтеков будет возвращено пиратами на старое место.
Последняя часть трилогии о Кольце Всевластия и о героях, взявших на себя бремя спасения Средиземья. Повелитель сил Тьмы Саурон направляет свои бесчисленные рати под стены Минас-Тирита, крепости Последней Надежды. Он предвкушает близкую победу, но именно это и мешает ему заметить две крохотные фигурки — хоббитов, приближающихся к Роковой Горе, где им предстоит уничтожить Кольцо Всевластия. Улыбнется ли им счастье?..
Конрад и Салли Валден дома со своей рыбкой одни. На улице дождь и делать решительно нечего. Пока не появляется Кот в Шляпе. Он знакомит детей с их воображением. Поначалу это игры и развлечения, но затем всё выходит из под контроля, и ему надо исчезнуть до прихода родителей…
In their new mystery adventure, Scooby and the rest of the Mystery Inc. gang confront an anonymous masked villain who is plotting to take over the city of Coolsville by wreaking mayhem with a monster machine that creates Mystery Inc.'s classic foes like The Pterodactyl Ghost, The Black Knight Ghost and The 10,000 Volt Ghost. Meanwhile, the gang's detecting abilities are scrutinized by relentless reporter Heather Jasper-Howe (Alicia Silverstone), aided by museum curator Patrick Wisely (Seth Green) and thwarted by nasty Jeremiah Wickles (Peter Boyle).
Set in a strange, colorful land populated by fairy tale characters, SHREK is a hilarious comedy that will win over audiences of children and adults alike. Shrek (voiced by Mike Myers) is a fearsome green ogre living in isolation in his own cozy little swamp. He is not receptive to visitors, and fends off the occasional party of torch-wielding villagers with ease. But when the power-hungry Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow) turns Shrek's swamp into a relocation camp for dozens of banished fairy-tale characters (including some pesky dwarves, wolves, and fairies) Shrek's quiet, introverted life is ruined. Joined by the talkative Donkey (Eddie Murphy), Shrek makes his way to Farquaad's realm of Duloc, where the Lord makes Shrek an offer: He will rid Shrek's land of the unwanted visitors if Shrek will go on a simple quest to free Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) from her remote, dragon-guarded castle and convince her to marry Farquaad. On their quest, Shrek and Donkey run into a number of bizarre situations, and Shrek finds himself realizing that he isn't quite the fearsome monster he has always made himself out to be. Reinventing the traditional fairy tale adventure, SHREK features gorgeous computer animation, a unique sense of humor, and compelling characters--especially Eddie Murphy's lovable Donkey.
Historians have thought for centuries that King Arthur was only a myth, but the legend was based on a real hero, torn between his private ambitions and his public sense of duty. A reluctant leader, Arthur (Owen) wishes only to leave Britain and return to the peace and stability of Rome. Before he can, one final mission leads him and his Knights of the Round Table - Lancelot, Galahad, Bors, Tristan, and Gawain - to the conclusion that when Rome is gone, Britain will need a leader to fill the vacuum. Britain needs a king - someone not only to defend against the current threat of invading Saxons, but to lead the isle into a new age. Under the guidance of Merlin, a former enemy, and the beautiful, courageous Guinevere (Knightley) by his side, Arthur will have to find the strength within himself to change the course of history.
Two years have passed, and the mild-mannered Peter Parker faces new challenges as he struggles with "the gift and the curse," desperately trying to balance his dual identities as the web-slinging superhero Spider-Man and his life as a college student. Tormented by his secrets, Peter finds that his relationships with all those he holds dear are in danger of unraveling. His life-long yearning for M.J. (Kirsten Dunst) becomes even stronger as he fights the impulse to reveal his secret life and declare his love. His friendship with Harry Osborn (James Franco) is complicated by the young Osborn's bitterness over his father's death and his growing vendetta against Spider-Man. Even Peter's beloved Aunt May (Rosemary Harris), who has fallen on hard times after the death of Uncle Ben, begins to have doubts about her nephew.
Peter's life is about to become even more complicated as he encounters a formidable new foe -- Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina). Peter must use all the powers at his disposal to try to stop this diabolical madman in his octagonal tracks.
In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. The Allies raid the camp where the ceremony is taking place, but not before a demon - Hellboy - has already been conjured. Joining the Allied forces, Hellboy eventually grows to adulthood, serving the cause of good rather than evil.
A young boy lies awake in his room one snowy Christmas Eve, excited and alert.
Breathing silently. Hardly moving. Waiting.
He's listening for a sound he's afraid that he might never hear - the ringing bells of Santa's sleigh.
The time is five minutes to midnight.
Suddenly, the boy is startled by a thunderous roar. Clearing the mist from his window he sees the most amazing sight - a gleaming black train rumbles to a stop right in front of his house, the steam from its powerful engine hissing through the night sky and the softly falling snowflakes.
The boy rushes outside, clad only in his pajamas and slippers, and is met by the train's conductor who seems to be waiting just for him. "Well, are you coming?" the conductor asks.
"Why, to the North Pole, of course. This is the Polar Express!"
More mischief…more mayhem….more magic. The Mask is back!
A decade after the legendary Mask of Loki wreaked havoc on the life of an unsuspecting adult in New Line Cinema's hit The Mask, the magical mask finds its way into the possession of a young father in the family comedy Son of the Mask.
Just as aspiring cartoonist Tim Avery (Jamie Kennedy) gets over his fear of parenthood with the birth of his new son Alvey, he quickly finds himself in over his head as his new baby is born with the Mask's spectacular powers. Further complicating matters is the family's jealous dog, who turns the household upside down and sparks a comical kid-versus-canine battle for control of the Mask. But unbeknownst to them all, the mischievous Norse god Loki (Alan Cumming) has come looking for his Mask, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it back.
Starring: Gammill, Lance Khazei, Alan Cumming, Bob Hoskins, and Traylor Howard.Rob McKittrick, Max Prost
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.