
6.3 (70384 голосов)
Based on Gail Carson Levine's award winning novel, this is the story of Ella, a young woman who was given a "gift" of obedience by a fairy named Lucinda. Anything anyone tells her to do, she must obey. When her mother passes away, Ella is cared for by her thoughtless and greedy father who remarries a loathsome woman with two treacherous daughters. This modern-day, fantasy Cinderella features fairies, ogres and well as a hero in the guise of Prince Charmont, whom Ella falls in love with. Unlike Cinderella though, Ella must depend on herself and her intelligence to get her through her troubles and find Lucinda in order for her "curse" to be broken! Starring: Anne Hathaway, Joanna Lumley, Cary Elwes, Steve Coogan, Eric Idle

Mariages! | Франция
5.6 (1168 голосов)
Story of three couples...They are 25 years old and going to marry today. They are 35 years old, united themselves ten years ago and tear themselves today. They are 45 years old, tore themselves ten years ago and attempt today to reconcile... Three marriages in a marriage, three couples during the 24 hours of a marriage somewhat perturbed by the doubts and the crises of each. "That it is tremendous to like", sings the priest, on time where a marriage on three finishes some divorces... Starring: Mathilde Seigner, Jean Dujardin, Miou-Miou, Didier Bezace, Lio, Antoine Duléry, Chloé Lambert, Alexis Loret, Catherine Allégret, Michel Lagueyrie

Because I Said So | США
5.5 (39084 голосов)
Keaton stars as Daphne Wilder, a mother whose love knows no bounds or boundaries. She is the proud mom of three daughters: stable psychologist Maggie (Lauren Graham), sexy and irreverent Mae (Piper Perabo) and insecure, adorable Milly (Mandy Moore) - who, when it comes to men, is like psychotic flypaper. In order to prevent her youngest from making the same mistakes she did, Daphne decides to set Milly up with the perfect man. Little does Milly know, however, that her mom placed an ad in the online personals to find him. Comic mayhem unfolds as Daphne continues to do the wrong thing for the right reasons...all in the name of love. In a hilarious battle of strong wills, the mother-daughter dynamic is tested in all its fierce, wacky complexity. The girls help Daphne finally discover the truths and impossibilities of motherly love, all while trying to answer the questions: where does it begin and where should it end? Cast: Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore, Gabriel Macht, Piper Perabo Directed by Michael Lehmann Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

The Accidental Husband | США| Ирландия
Эмма Ллойд, ведущая вечернего радиошоу с романтическим уклоном, раздает всем желающим разнообразные рекомендации по обустройству личной жизни и никогда не задумывается о последствиях. И вот однажды очередная слушательница по ее совету бросает своего парня, но, пожалев об этом, решает отомстить и показать Эмме, что подсказывать другим решения любовных проблем гораздо проще, чем разобраться в собственных. В ролях: Uma Thurman, Colin Firth, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sam Shepard, Isabella Rossellini. Pежиссёр Griffin Dunne.

Разведенная американка Ларита знакомится с молодым и богатым англичанином Джоном Уиттакером. Между ними закручивается бурный, стремительный роман, влюбленные женятся, и вот Ларита уже едет на родину своего нового мужа, чтобы познакомиться с его родителями. Приехав в Англию, новоиспеченные супруги сталкиваются с категорическим неодобрением их брака семьей Уиттекеров... В ролях: Jessica Biel, Colin Firth, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Barnes Pежиссёр: Stephan Elliott Cценарий: Stephan Elliott, Sheridan Jobbins, Noel Coward Продюсер: Joseph Abrams, James D. Stern, Barnaby Thompson

Couples Retreat | США
Несколько семейных пар отправляются на тропический остров по программе укрепления брака. И если одна из пар действительно хочет спасти свои отношения, то остальные хотят просто развлечься, но со временем понимают, что им тоже придётся работать над своим браком… Galvenajās lomās: Kristen Bell, Kristin Davis, Malin Akerman, Vince Vaughn, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman, Faizon Love, Jean Reno, Peter Serafinowicz, Kali Hawk, Tasha Smith Režisors: Peter Billingsley

Bride Wars
Конец дружбе Эммы и Лив кладут их свадьбы, намеченные на один и тот же день. Никто не хочет уступать товарке, и погулять сначала у нее, а потом закатить пир самой. Девушки начинают отчаянную конкуренцию за место проведения торжества, гостей и предоставляемые услуги, не желая ни в чем уступать сопернице… В ролях: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Johnson, Bryan Greenberg Режиссер:Gary Winick Сценарист: David Scarpa Продюсер: Paul Harris Boardman

Just Like Heaven | США
6.7 (112842 голосов)
When David (Mark Ruffalo) sublet his quaint San Francisco apartment, the last thing he expected -- or wanted -- was a roommate. He had only begun to make a complete mess of the place when a pretty young woman named Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) suddenly shows up, adamantly insisting the apartment is hers. David assumes there's been a giant misunderstanding…until Elizabeth disappears as mysteriously as she appeared. Changing the locks does nothing to deter Elizabeth, who begins to appear and disappear at will -- mostly to rebuke David for his personal living habits in her apartment. Convinced that she is a ghost, David tries to help Elizabeth cross over to the "other side." But while Elizabeth has discovered she does have a distinctly ethereal quality -- she can walk through walls -- she is equally convinced that she is somehow still alive and isn't crossing over anywhere. As Elizabeth and David search for the truth about who Elizabeth is and how she came to be in her present state, their relationship deepens into love. Unfortunately, they have very little time before their prospects for a future together permanently fade away. Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Mark Ruffalo, Jon Heder English language with latvian and russian subtitles.

In her shoes | США
Безответственная и легкомысленная Мэгги Феллер поселяется у своей старшей сестры Роуз, которая работает адвокатом и придерживается во всем строгих правил. Неприятности начинаются с того, что Мэгги затаскивает к себе в постель бойфренда Роуз.

6.2 (2074 голосов)
The events that overwhelm a middle-aged, seemingly happily married couple. The arrogant, bourgeois M. Hervey descends from a train into the teeming bustle of the city. While on his way home, he reflects on the sturdiness of his life: the success he has made of it, and the fortress of security he has built around himself. It is not long before his self-satisfaction is rudely shattered when he discovers a letter from his wife, Gabrielle, waiting for him on his sideboard. The contents of the message will crumble that security and plunge him into newfound feelings of vulnerability, abandonment and betrayal. Husband and wife find themselves engaged in a parry-and-thrust of emotions that change mid-sentence and stretch their ability to function and live in the same house. In Competition at the 62nd Venice International Film Festival, 2005. Isabelle Huppert won Special Lion for Exceptional Outstanding performance in Gabrielle, and in life career. Starring: Isabelle Huppert, Pascal Greggory, Claudia Coli, Thierry Hancisse, Chantal Neuwirth French language with latvian and russian subtitles.

Wild Hogs | США
5.8 (120256 голосов)
Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and William H. Macy hit the road in this rollicking comedy-adventure about a group of middle-aged friends who decide to rev up their routine suburban lives with a freewheeling motorcycle trip. Taking a long dreamed-of breather from their stressful jobs and family responsibilities, they can't wait to feel the freedom of the open road. When this mis-matched foursome, who have grown far more used to the couch than the saddle, set out for this once-in-a-lifetime experience - they encounter a world that holds far more than they ever bargained for. The trip begins to challenge their wits and their luck, especially during a chance run-in with the Del Fuegos, a real-life biker gang who are less than amused with their novice approach. As they go looking for adventure, they soon find that they've embarked on a journey they will never forget. Cast: Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macy, Marisa Tomei, Jill Hennessy, and Ray Liotta Directed by Walt Becker In English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou | США
7.3 (164,030 голосов)
«Я буду мстить», — заявил на пресс-конференции знаменитый океанограф. А мстить он намеревался огромной тигровой акуле, проглотившей, не поперхнувшись, его лучшего друга и помощника. Собрав разношёрстную команду, бесстрашный исследователь устремляется на поиски своего смертельного врага…

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