"The Punisher" tells the story of FBI undercover agent, Frank Castle, who until now has beat considerable odds. A former Special Forces operative, he is finally moving out of the field and into a desk job -- and a normal life with his wife and son. Then Castle's world is shaken to its core by a nightmare he has longed feared: his family is executed as a repercussion from his final undercover assignment. With unparalleled intensity, ferocious intelligence and fearless actions, Castle seeks to punish the murderers -- and finds the one thing he least expected: redemption. Marvel Comics' "The Punisher" made his first appearance over 25 years ago as a supporting character. The hero proved so popular with readers that he could not be contained in a peripheral role and by the 1990's he was starring in as many as three titles a month. In 2000, "The Punisher" reemerged as one of Marvel Comics' highest selling solo books and remains a top seller for the Company
More humans have travelled into space than to the deepest recesses of our oceans; we know more about the moon than about the seabeds. But it is Ocean that continues to surprise us. This film shooted in 200 spots and made from 7000m taken material leads us in unforgettable adventure into depth of the ocean.
Our planet is a Blue Planet. 97% of all water is contained by the oceans. 80% of all life exists under the ocean surface. No other place supports so much life. This is a world of constant jeopardy, an endless cycle of birth, death and renewal. Leave the narrow strip of rich sunlit waters at the ocean's surface and journey downwards into perpetual night. Down here the only light comes from the inhabitants of the deep themselves. It is strange, another world with surprising creatures in many shapes and colours. Come on a journey into liguid space!
Two years have passed, and the mild-mannered Peter Parker faces new challenges as he struggles with "the gift and the curse," desperately trying to balance his dual identities as the web-slinging superhero Spider-Man and his life as a college student. Tormented by his secrets, Peter finds that his relationships with all those he holds dear are in danger of unraveling. His life-long yearning for M.J. (Kirsten Dunst) becomes even stronger as he fights the impulse to reveal his secret life and declare his love. His friendship with Harry Osborn (James Franco) is complicated by the young Osborn's bitterness over his father's death and his growing vendetta against Spider-Man. Even Peter's beloved Aunt May (Rosemary Harris), who has fallen on hard times after the death of Uncle Ben, begins to have doubts about her nephew.
Peter's life is about to become even more complicated as he encounters a formidable new foe -- Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina). Peter must use all the powers at his disposal to try to stop this diabolical madman in his octagonal tracks.
Blueberry is stationed in the little town of Palomito as sheriff. One day there is an ordinary row in the local saloon, but one of the trouble makers, called Prosit, shows up to be Baron Werner Amadeus von Luckner. Prosit has made a lot of enemy´s. The fact that he owns the gun of a popular man, who got killed, from that town makes him prime suspect. The people want to lynch him and Blueberry can only just prevent that. Two bouty hunters arrive to take Prosit along to Durango but Prosit ascapes with Jimmy and make him a lot of promises about a gold mine. Then the trouble it´s only stars, with betrayals, bounty killers, hostile indians and the mystery ghost who guard the gold mine
Robert Scott (Val Kilmer) is a career military officer working for a highly sacretive special operations force. A man hardened by years of brutal service, he is respected by his peers and elders in the world of espionage. When Scott is recruited to find Laura Newton (Kristen Bell), the President's college-age daughter, he is paired with novice Curtis (Derek Luke), who becomes his protégé. Working with a special task force comprisednof Presidential Advisors, the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, Scott and Curtis stumble upon a white salvery ring, which may have some connection to Laura's disappearance.
As the story unfolds, the straigthforward search-and-rescue mission becomes complicated by Curtis' naivete and the political ambitions of those in high places - like Burch (Ed O'Neill) and Stoddard (William H. Macy), political operatives whomay know more than they're telling about the circumstances surrounding Laura's abduction.
Scott and Curtis are on the bank of tracking Laura's whereabouts when their clandestine mission comes to an abrupt conclusion as the media issues reports of the girl's death. Scott returns to the quiet life as a rural landowner and awaits his next assignment in relative peace. But Curtis can't rest. He seeks out Scott to confide his belief that Laura is alive. If she is, their continued unofficial investigation will put them - as well as Laura - at the center of a dangerous conspiracy that reaches the highest leavels.
Wallflower camerawoman Caty (Marie Gillain) is three years into her career and residency in the French capital with little to show for it in the friend category, never mind the fact she is hopelessly single. While on the job filming an interview with a prostitute, Caty gets a tip from the hooker for a quick and profitable money-making possibility. Following up on the lead, Caty meets the handsome Jean (Vincent Elbaz) who offers to pay her to film him while he robs a store. After some perfunctory soul-searching, Caty impetuously decides to take the offer. This start in crime leads her into Jean's gang of criminals, which she rather quickly becomes a member of. As the thieves tend to spend their loot about as quickly as they accumulate it, they begin planning an enormous caper that will enable them to live more comfortably - if they manage to survive its undertaking.
This film is based on "Our Sunshine" by Robert Drew, a novel based on the life of Australian bushranger and icon, Ned Kelly. It tells of his life as a bushranger in north-west Victoria, where he lived all his life. He, his brother Dan, and two other men, Steve Hart and Joe Byrne, formed a gang. These four robbed a bank and hijacked an entire town for 3 days. They killed three policemen who were hunting them. They then took over a pub in Glenrowan, where they basically held a party, waiting for a train full of police to derail at a part of the track that they tore up. However a school teacher warned the train, so the gang and all the others in the pub ended up in a shootout with scores of policemen.
37 000 years ago, two close tribes lived in peace... except for a hair. While the tribe of the Clean Hair ran peaceful days by maintaining for
it only the secrecy of the formula of the shampoo, the tribe of the Dirty Hair deplored.
Its chief decided to send a spy to steal the receipt. But an event much more serious was going to upset the life of the
Clean Hair: for the first time in the history of humanity, a crime had been just committed. How to discover its author?
At the time of the mammoths and moumoutes the first police
investigation of the History starts.
Скотт Томас завел себе друга по переписке из Германии из самых практичных соображений. Он хотел получить отличную оценку по немецкому, а некто с именем Мик согласился перевести его домашние работы. Но вскоре выяснилось, что Мик — обворожительная блондинка, которая не прочь увидеть своего американского друга вживую.После выпускных экзаменов Скотт прихватывает нескольких близких друзей и летит в Европу. Впереди его ждет увлекательное, хоть и беспокойное путешествие из Лондона в Берлин через Париж и Амстердам…
Пережившая нервный срыв руководительница телекомпании Джоанна Эберхарт переезжает вместе с мужем Уолтером в городок Степфорд, штат Коннектикут, чтобы побыть вдали от стрессов большого города. Этот райский уголок на первый взгляд представляется идеальным. Но вскоре Джоанна и ее новая подруга Бобби замечают, в кажущейся безмятежности есть что-то странное, настораживающее. Да и местные домохозяйки ведут себя как-то уж слишком подозрительно: все одинаково приветливые, ухоженные и скучные, как роботы. Джоанна решает во что бы то ни стало докопаться до тайны, которую скрывает совершенный город и его безупречные жены…
In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. The Allies raid the camp where the ceremony is taking place, but not before a demon - Hellboy - has already been conjured. Joining the Allied forces, Hellboy eventually grows to adulthood, serving the cause of good rather than evil.
Garfield (voiced by Bill Murray), who competes with a dog named Odie for the affection and attention of their human master, Jon Arbuckle (Meyer), when Odie is introduced into their home much to Garfield's disgust. When Odie is kidnapped by a mean dog trainer, however, Garfield feels responsible, so he gets off his favorite spot and gets into action to rescue his fellow pet... (Jennifer Love Hewitt plays Liz, Garfield's veterinarian and romantic interest; Cannon plays a "city mouse" who helps Garfield in his search; Messing voices Arlene, Garfield's girlfriend)