Джессику похищают и запирают на чердаке. Вся её надежда на неисправный, едва работающий телефон. Позвонив по первому попавшемуся номеру, она сообщает Райану (случайному молодому человеку) о своем похищении и о том, что её хотят убить, а также и её мужа и сына, за которыми теперь отправились похитители. Она не знает, где находится, а у единственного возможного спасителя скоро сядет батарейка телефона. Теперь Райану, знакомому с Джессикой только по ее паническому голосу, придется бороться со временем, которого остается все меньше, и постоянными проблемами со связью и лицом столкнуться с убийством и обманом.
The story's protagonist, Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn), is a charismatic underachiever and proprietor of a rundown gym called Average Joe's. The facility's clientele of decidedly less-than-"average Joes" is made up of a self-styled pirate, a scrawny nerd who dreams of impressing an unattainable cheerleader, an obsessive aficionado of obscure sports, a dim-witted young man, and a cocky know-it-all who, of course, really knows nothing.
Peter's humble gym catches the eye of White Goodman (Ben Stiller), the power-mullet-sporting, Fu-Manchu-d, egomaniacal owner of Globo Gym, a gleaming monolith of fitness. White intends to take over Average Joe's, and Peter's non-existent bookkeeping is making it all too easy for him. A foreclosing bank has stationed attorney Kate Veatch (Christine Taylor) inside Average Joe's to finalize Globo's takeover of the gym. But Peter's boyish charms win her over and Kate joins his team of social rejects to beat the odds - and their own ineptitude - to try to save Average Joe's. How? A showdown dodgeball competition against Globo Gym.
История семьи супергероев, члены которой уже отошли от больших дел и предпочитают жить непримечательной жизнью обычных землян. В прошлом все они обладали сверхъестественными способностями и относительно легко справлялись с мировым злом.Но в один прекрасный день папаше и его домочадцам приходится вновь облачиться в прорезиненные костюмы супергероев (а для этого нужно срочно сбросить лишние килограммы!) и в очередной раз спасти человечество от таинственного злодея…
A young boy lies awake in his room one snowy Christmas Eve, excited and alert.
Breathing silently. Hardly moving. Waiting.
He's listening for a sound he's afraid that he might never hear - the ringing bells of Santa's sleigh.
The time is five minutes to midnight.
Suddenly, the boy is startled by a thunderous roar. Clearing the mist from his window he sees the most amazing sight - a gleaming black train rumbles to a stop right in front of his house, the steam from its powerful engine hissing through the night sky and the softly falling snowflakes.
The boy rushes outside, clad only in his pajamas and slippers, and is met by the train's conductor who seems to be waiting just for him. "Well, are you coming?" the conductor asks.
"Why, to the North Pole, of course. This is the Polar Express!"
On a remote island, the FBI has a training program for their psychological profiling division, called "Nindhunters", used to track down serial killers. The training goes horribly wrong, however, when a group of seven young agents discover that one of them is a serial killer, and is setting about slayong the others. Can the few that are left figure out who the killer is in time?
Starring: Eion Bailey, Clifton Collins, Will Kemp, Val Kilmer, Patricia Velasquez, Christian Slater
Одиннадцать новелл с участием гениальных актеров, шоуменов и музыкантов. Попивая кофе и покуривая сигареты, герои фильма спорят до безумия, подшучивают друг над другом, делают глубокомысленные выводы и травят нелепейшие байки…
Two twenty-something stoner roommates -- one a Korean American investment banker; the other an Indian American medical school candidate -- go through a life changing journey, as they spend a night roaming the state of New Jersey in search of White Castle hamburgers.
Starring: Kal Penn, Malin Akerman, Boyd Banks, Bibi Anderson, John Cho, Dan Bochart
Nicolas Cage stars as Ben Franklin Gates, an archaeologist and adventurer looking for the legendary lost treasure of the Templar Knights, spurred on by the stories he was told as a young man by his grandfather, John Adams Gates, twenty years before. John tells Ben the secret hiding place for the treasure is encoded on the back of the Declaration of Independence, placed there by none other than the founders of the United States of America, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Ben's father, Patrick Henry Gates, is more than well aware that treasure hunting has been the curse of the Gates family, and has soured on the entire idea. With the help of his best friend and partner in crime, a sarcastic, thrill seeking computer expert named Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), Riley and his team careen from one grave predicament to another.
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Harvey Keitel, Jon Voight, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean, Christopher Plummer
Based on the true story of two scuba divers accidentally stranded in shark infested waters after their tour boat has left.
Starring: Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis, Saul Stein
Conquering 90% of the known world by the age of 25, Alexander the Great (Farrell) led his armies through 22,000 miles of sieges and conquests in just eight years. Coming out of tiny Macedonia, Alexander led his armies against the mighty Persian Empire, drove west to Egypt, and finally made his way east to India. This film will concentrate on those eight years of battles, as well as his relationship with his boyhood friend and battle mate, Hephaestion. Alexander died young, of illness, at 33. Alexander's conquests paved the way for the spread of Greek culture (facilitating the spread of Christianity centuries later), and removed many of the obstacles that might have prevented the expansion of the Roman Empire. In other words, the world we know today might never have been if not for Alexander's bloody, yet unifying, conquest.
Starring: Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Anthony Hopkins, Jared Leto, Rosario Dawson, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
Alfie Elkins (Jude Law) works as a limousine driver, chauffeuring the wealthy through the streets of Manhattan, and occasionally making love to his lonely female clients in the backseat. Though he has his ambitions, he wants only enough to get by, his primary focus being the pleasures of life -- without any of the responsibilities.
Yeah, it's true that Alfie Elkins epitomizes the swinging playboy bachelor archetype… But, underneath the charm, the bravado, the swagger… there's another side… a man who, as Mick Jagger's lyrics for "Alfie" so aptly describe... "won't let the love in."
Starring: Jude Law, Marisa Tomei, Susan Sarandon, Omar Epps, Nia Long, Jane Krakowski, Sienna Miller
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
Документальное исследование причастности Джорджа Буша к трагедии 11 сентября… Главные темы фильма — истоки терроризма и события 11 сентября 2001 года. В фильме Мур расследует тесные связи, существовавшие между двумя «кланами», двумя поколениями Бушей и двумя поколениями бен Ладенов. Автор картины утверждает, что между Джорджем Бушем-старшим и отцом Усамы бен Ладена существовали прочные деловые связи. Они сложились, когда Буш-старший еще находился на посту президента США, долгое время поддерживались и были разорваны лишь через два месяца после чудовищных терактов, осуществленных против США в 2001 году.