Donaldam Trumpam tas viss ir. Nauda, vara, cieņa un Austrumeiropas līgava. Bet visi viņa panākumi nenāca par velti. Pirmkārt, viņš mantoja miljoniem dolāru no sava bagātā tēva, tad viņš satvēra Ņujorku ar bumbiņām. Tagad jūs varat uzzināt sarunu mākslu, nekustamo īpašumu un augstas kvalitātes misiņu.
Donald Trump has it all. Money, power, respect, and an Eastern European bride. But all his success didn't come for nothing. First, he inherited millions of dollars from his rich father, then he grabbed New York City by the balls. Now you can learn the art of negotiation, real estate, and high-quality brass.
Donaldam Trumpam tas viss ir. Nauda, vara, cieņa un Austrumeiropas līgava. Bet visi viņa panākumi nenāca par velti. Pirmkārt, viņš mantoja miljoniem dolāru no sava bagātā tēva, tad viņš satvēra Ņujorku ar bumbiņām. Tagad jūs varat uzzināt sarunu mākslu, nekustamo īpašumu un augstas kvalitātes misiņu.
Donald Trump has it all. Money, power, respect, and an Eastern European bride. But all his success didn't come for nothing. First, he inherited millions of dollars from his rich father, then he grabbed New York City by the balls. Now you can learn the art of negotiation, real estate, and high-quality brass.