Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
26.09.2018 Epizode 1 (pilot)
03.10.2018 Epizode 2 (band of dads)
10.10.2018 Epizode 3 (save the date)
17.10.2018 Epizode 4 (friday night dinner)
24.10.2018 Epizode 5 (the game of your life)
31.10.2018 Epizode 6 (unexpected)
07.11.2018 Epizode 7 (i dare you)
28.11.2018 Epizode 8 (fight or flight)
05.12.2018 Epizode 9 (perspective)
12.12.2018 Epizode 10 (christmas wishlist)
17.01.2019 Epizode 11 (secrets and lies)
24.01.2019 Epizode 12 (the day before...)
31.01.2019 Epizode 13 (twelve seconds)
07.02.2019 Epizode 14 (someday)
14.02.2019 Epizode 15 (the rock)
21.02.2019 Epizode 16 (the rosary)
28.02.2019 Epizode 17 (goodbye)
Sezona 2
26.09.2019 Epizode 1 (coming home)
03.10.2019 Epizode 2 (grand canyon)
10.10.2019 Epizode 3 (mixed signals)
17.10.2019 Epizode 4 (the perfect storm)
24.10.2019 Epizode 5 (austin)
31.10.2019 Epizode 6 (unleashed)
07.11.2019 Epizode 7 (ten years)
14.11.2019 Epizode 8 (goodnight)
21.11.2019 Epizode 9 (time stands still)
23.01.2020 Epizode 10 (the kiss)
30.01.2020 Epizode 11 (we're the howards)
06.02.2020 Epizode 12 (guilty)
13.02.2020 Epizode 13 (daisy)
20.02.2020 Epizode 14 (the sleepover)
27.02.2020 Epizode 15 (the lunch)
05.03.2020 Epizode 16 (change of plans)
12.03.2020 Epizode 17 (one year later)
19.03.2020 Epizode 18 (mothers and daughters)
26.03.2020 Epizode 19 (’til death do us part)
Sezona 3
19.11.2020 Epizode 1 (hit & run)
03.12.2020 Epizode 2 (writings on the wall)
10.12.2020 Epizode 3 (letting go)
17.12.2020 Epizode 4 (the talk)
11.03.2021 Epizode 5 (non-essential)
18.03.2021 Epizode 6 (miles apart)
25.03.2021 Epizode 7 (timing)
01.04.2021 Epizode 8 (the price of admission)
07.04.2021 Epizode 9 (the lost sheep)
14.04.2021 Epizode 10 (trust me)
21.04.2021 Epizode 11 (redefine)
05.05.2021 Epizode 12 (junior)
12.05.2021 Epizode 13 (listen)
19.05.2021 Epizode 14 (united front)
26.05.2021 Epizode 15 (not alone)
02.06.2021 Epizode 16 (no one is to blame)
09.06.2021 Epizode 17 (justice (1))
09.06.2021 Epizode 18 (justice (2))
Sezona 4
22.09.2021 Epizode 1 (family first)
29.09.2021 Epizode 2 (not the plan)
06.10.2021 Epizode 3 (game night)
13.10.2021 Epizode 4 (pinocchio)
27.10.2021 Epizode 5 (crystal clear)
03.11.2021 Epizode 6 (six months later)
17.11.2021 Epizode 7 (stay)
01.12.2021 Epizode 8 (the things we keep inside)
23.02.2022 Epizode 9 (any way the wind blows)
02.03.2022 Epizode 10 (surprise)
09.03.2022 Epizode 11 (piece of cake)
16.03.2022 Epizode 12 (little white lies)
23.03.2022 Epizode 13 (fresh start)
06.04.2022 Epizode 14 (school ties)
13.04.2022 Epizode 15 (fingers crossed)
20.04.2022 Epizode 16 (lesson learned)
27.04.2022 Epizode 17 (60 minutes)
04.05.2022 Epizode 18 (slipping)
11.05.2022 Epizode 19 (out of hiding)
18.05.2022 Epizode 20 (just in case)
Sezona 5
08.02.2023 Epizode 1 (the last dance)
15.02.2023 Epizode 2 (think twice)
22.02.2023 Epizode 3 (in the room)
01.03.2023 Epizode 4 (a bird in the hand)
08.03.2023 Epizode 5 (no place like home)
15.03.2023 Epizode 6 (mic drop)
22.03.2023 Epizode 7 (spilled milk)
29.03.2023 Epizode 8 (dear diary)
05.04.2023 Epizode 9 (father's day)
12.04.2023 Epizode 10 (the salesman)
19.04.2023 Epizode 11 (ironic)
26.04.2023 Epizode 12 (tough stuff)
03.05.2023 Epizode 13 (one big thing)