Seržs ir dziļi zem īkšķa, bet dvēselē sapņo par brīvību. Aleksejs ir viņa pilnīgs pretstats – skarbs, bargs vīrietis, kurš izšķīrās no sievas, jo viņa viņā neklausīja. Pēc likteņa gribas viņi tiek ievilkti miljarda dzināšanā, kuru viņi vienojās sadalīt uz pusēm. Katrs no viņiem ar šīs naudas palīdzību vēlas iegūt to, par ko sapņo: Sergejs - brīvību, bet Aleksejs - varu pār savu sievu. Neskatoties uz to, ka Sergejs nāvīgi baidās no Alekseja un Aleksejs sirsnīgi nicina Sergeju, vēsture viņus "liek vienā laivā". Vai viņi spēs tikt galā ar savām bailēm un iegūt kāroto miljardu?
Serge is deeply under his thumb, but in his soul he dreams of freedom. Aleksey is his complete opposite - a tough, stern man who divorced his wife because she did not listen to him. By the will of fate, they find themselves drawn into the pursuit of a billion, which they agreed to divide in half. Each of them, with the help of this money, wants to gain what he dreams of: Serge - freedom, and Aleksey - power over his wife. Despite the fact that Serge is deathly afraid of Aleksey, and Aleksey sincerely despises Serge, history "puts them in the same boat." Will they be able to cope with their fears and get the coveted billion?
Seržs ir dziļi zem īkšķa, bet dvēselē sapņo par brīvību. Aleksejs ir viņa pilnīgs pretstats – skarbs, bargs vīrietis, kurš izšķīrās no sievas, jo viņa viņā neklausīja. Pēc likteņa gribas viņi tiek ievilkti miljarda dzināšanā, kuru viņi vienojās sadalīt uz pusēm. Katrs no viņiem ar šīs naudas palīdzību vēlas iegūt to, par ko sapņo: Sergejs - brīvību, bet Aleksejs - varu pār savu sievu. Neskatoties uz to, ka Sergejs nāvīgi baidās no Alekseja un Aleksejs sirsnīgi nicina Sergeju, vēsture viņus "liek vienā laivā". Vai viņi spēs tikt galā ar savām bailēm un iegūt kāroto miljardu?
Serge is deeply under his thumb, but in his soul he dreams of freedom. Aleksey is his complete opposite - a tough, stern man who divorced his wife because she did not listen to him. By the will of fate, they find themselves drawn into the pursuit of a billion, which they agreed to divide in half. Each of them, with the help of this money, wants to gain what he dreams of: Serge - freedom, and Aleksey - power over his wife. Despite the fact that Serge is deathly afraid of Aleksey, and Aleksey sincerely despises Serge, history "puts them in the same boat." Will they be able to cope with their fears and get the coveted billion?