Dimonstrs izglābj Sašu Čorniju un četrus aizbēgušos bērnunama bērnus no policijas un bandītiem. Dimonstrs tagad ir tikai Dmitrijs, automašīnu tirgotāja vadītājs, viņa dēls Dima ir pieaudzis. Ģimenes dzīve nav labvēlīga palaidnībām, Dimonstrs palika pasakās, kuras tēvs naktī stāsta savam dēlam. Bet klosteris atkal ir nemierīgs. No bērnunama tur nonāk četri bērni – divas māsas un divi brāļi. Daša, vecākā, nav pirmā reize, kad organizē ģimenes bēgšanu no bērnu nama. Un atkal viņi tiek noķerti. Taču šoreiz viņi devās uz laupīšanu, un policija to nevar atstāt bez soda. Saprotot, ka tas zēnus salauzīs, izmeklētājs uz savu atbildību nolemj viņus nosūtīt uz klosteri pie tēva Anatolija pāraudzināšanai. Taču mazā, drosmīgā grupa izrādīsies daudz cietāks rieksts nekā kādreiz bija Dimonstrs un Saša Čjornijs.
Dimonstr saves Sasha Chyornyy and four runaway orphanage children from the police and bandits. Dimonstr is now just Dmitriy, the manager of a car dealership, his son Dima has grown up. Family life is not conducive to pranks, the Dimonstr remained in the fairy tales that the father tells his son at night. But the monastery is again restless. Four children from the orphanage end up there - two sisters and two brothers. Dasha, the eldest, is not the first time organizing a family's escape from an orphanage. And once again they are caught. But this time they went for robbery, and the police cannot leave this without punishment. Realizing that this will break the boys, the investigator, on his own responsibility, decides to send them to the monastery to Father Anatoliy for re-education. But the small, daring group will prove to be a much tougher nut to crack than Dimonstr and Sasha Chyornyy once were.
Dimonstrs izglābj Sašu Čorniju un četrus aizbēgušos bērnunama bērnus no policijas un bandītiem. Dimonstrs tagad ir tikai Dmitrijs, automašīnu tirgotāja vadītājs, viņa dēls Dima ir pieaudzis. Ģimenes dzīve nav labvēlīga palaidnībām, Dimonstrs palika pasakās, kuras tēvs naktī stāsta savam dēlam. Bet klosteris atkal ir nemierīgs. No bērnunama tur nonāk četri bērni – divas māsas un divi brāļi. Daša, vecākā, nav pirmā reize, kad organizē ģimenes bēgšanu no bērnu nama. Un atkal viņi tiek noķerti. Taču šoreiz viņi devās uz laupīšanu, un policija to nevar atstāt bez soda. Saprotot, ka tas zēnus salauzīs, izmeklētājs uz savu atbildību nolemj viņus nosūtīt uz klosteri pie tēva Anatolija pāraudzināšanai. Taču mazā, drosmīgā grupa izrādīsies daudz cietāks rieksts nekā kādreiz bija Dimonstrs un Saša Čjornijs.
Dimonstr saves Sasha Chyornyy and four runaway orphanage children from the police and bandits. Dimonstr is now just Dmitriy, the manager of a car dealership, his son Dima has grown up. Family life is not conducive to pranks, the Dimonstr remained in the fairy tales that the father tells his son at night. But the monastery is again restless. Four children from the orphanage end up there - two sisters and two brothers. Dasha, the eldest, is not the first time organizing a family's escape from an orphanage. And once again they are caught. But this time they went for robbery, and the police cannot leave this without punishment. Realizing that this will break the boys, the investigator, on his own responsibility, decides to send them to the monastery to Father Anatoliy for re-education. But the small, daring group will prove to be a much tougher nut to crack than Dimonstr and Sasha Chyornyy once were.