Kad Edvarda bioloģiskās ģimenes meklējumi ved viņu un viņa draudzeni Railiju uz lielisku villu augstu Ziemeļportugāles kalnos, viņš ir sajūsmas pilns, satiekot savu sen neredzēto māti un dvīņubrāli. Beidzot viņš atklās, kas viņš ir un no kurienes nāk. Taču nekas nav tā, kā izskatās, un Edvards drīz uzzinās, ka viņu ar viņiem saista kāds zvērīgs noslēpums.
When Edward’s search for his biological family leads him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of Northern Portugal, he is full of excitement at meeting his long-lost mother and twin brother. Finally, he will discover who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward will soon learn that he is linked to them by a monstrous secret.
Kad Edvarda bioloģiskās ģimenes meklējumi ved viņu un viņa draudzeni Railiju uz lielisku villu augstu Ziemeļportugāles kalnos, viņš ir sajūsmas pilns, satiekot savu sen neredzēto māti un dvīņubrāli. Beidzot viņš atklās, kas viņš ir un no kurienes nāk. Taču nekas nav tā, kā izskatās, un Edvards drīz uzzinās, ka viņu ar viņiem saista kāds zvērīgs noslēpums.
When Edward’s search for his biological family leads him and his girlfriend Ryley to a magnificent villa high in the mountains of Northern Portugal, he is full of excitement at meeting his long-lost mother and twin brother. Finally, he will discover who he is and where he comes from. But nothing is as it seems, and Edward will soon learn that he is linked to them by a monstrous secret.