Jauna romiešu sieviete 1950. gados ir uz sliekšņa saderināties ar vīrieti. Viņa dodas uz Cinecittà, lai noklausītos kā statistu, un tiek ierauta šajā gandrīz bezgalīgajā naktī, kuras laikā viņa atklāj sevi.
A young Roman woman during the 1950s is on the verge of becoming engaged to a man. She goes to Cinecittà to do an audition as an extra and is thrust into this almost infinite night during which she discovers herself.
Jauna romiešu sieviete 1950. gados ir uz sliekšņa saderināties ar vīrieti. Viņa dodas uz Cinecittà, lai noklausītos kā statistu, un tiek ierauta šajā gandrīz bezgalīgajā naktī, kuras laikā viņa atklāj sevi.
A young Roman woman during the 1950s is on the verge of becoming engaged to a man. She goes to Cinecittà to do an audition as an extra and is thrust into this almost infinite night during which she discovers herself.