Filma stāsta par traģēdiju, kas notika vienā no mūsu Krievijas ciemiem. Nejauši policists Afanasijs kļūst par aizdomās turamo smagā noziegumā. Vietējie ir gatavi linča tiesai. Izmeklētāju Serditovu gaida grūts uzdevums. No vienas puses, viņš saprot, ka šāds noziegums nedrīkst palikt nesodīts, bet, no otras puses, saprot, ka viņa uzdevums ir noskaidrot visas notikušā detaļas.
The film tells about a tragedy that happened in one of the villages of our Russia. By chance, a police officer Afanasy becomes a suspect in a serious crime. Locals are ready for a lynch trial. Investigator Serditov faces a difficult task. On the one hand, he understands that such a crime should not go unpunished, but on the other, he understands that his job is to find out all the details of the incident.
Filma stāsta par traģēdiju, kas notika vienā no mūsu Krievijas ciemiem. Nejauši policists Afanasijs kļūst par aizdomās turamo smagā noziegumā. Vietējie ir gatavi linča tiesai. Izmeklētāju Serditovu gaida grūts uzdevums. No vienas puses, viņš saprot, ka šāds noziegums nedrīkst palikt nesodīts, bet, no otras puses, saprot, ka viņa uzdevums ir noskaidrot visas notikušā detaļas.
The film tells about a tragedy that happened in one of the villages of our Russia. By chance, a police officer Afanasy becomes a suspect in a serious crime. Locals are ready for a lynch trial. Investigator Serditov faces a difficult task. On the one hand, he understands that such a crime should not go unpunished, but on the other, he understands that his job is to find out all the details of the incident.