ANO iesauc šoferi, lai izglābtu no naidīgās teritorijas ievainoto kara fotogrāfu Hārviju Džeikobsu. Kamēr viņi dodas prom, Džeikobs stāsta Šoferim par šausmām, ko viņš redzēja kā fotogrāfs, taču viņš nožēlo savu nespēju palīdzēt kara upuriem. Džeikobs atbild uz šofera ziņkāri par to, kāpēc viņš ir fotogrāfs, stāstot, kā mamma viņam iemācījusi redzēt. Viņš iedod Šoferim filmu, kas nepieciešama New York Times stāstam, kā arī suņa birkas, ko uzdāvināt mātei. Kad viņi sasniedz robežu, viņi saskaras ar sargu, kurš sāk vilkt rokas, kad Džeikobs sāk fotografēt, cenšoties nogalināt sevi. Šoferis brauc cauri šāvienu krusai līdz robežai, bet atrod Džeikobsu nogalinātu ar lodi caur sēdekli. Šoferis ierodas Amerikā, lai apciemotu Džeikobsa māti un pastāstītu par viņa Pulicera balvas ieguvēju un suņa birku nodošanu, lai atklātu, ka viņa ir akla.
The Driver is drafted by the UN to rescue a wounded war photographer named Harvey Jacobs from out of hostile territory. While they are leaving Jacobs tells the Driver about the horrors he saw as a photographer, but he regrets his inability to help war victims. Jacobs answers the driver curiosity about why he is a photographer by saying how his mother taught him to see. He gives the Driver the film needed for a New York Times story and also his dog tags to give to his mother. When they reach the border, they are confronted by a guard who begins to draw arms as Jacobs begins taking pictures, trying to get himself killed. The Driver drives through a hail of gunfire to the border, but finds Jacobs killed by a bullet through the seat. The Driver arrives in America to visit Jacobs' mother and share the news of him winning the Pulitzer prize and hand over the dog tags, only to discover that she is blind.
ANO iesauc šoferi, lai izglābtu no naidīgās teritorijas ievainoto kara fotogrāfu Hārviju Džeikobsu. Kamēr viņi dodas prom, Džeikobs stāsta Šoferim par šausmām, ko viņš redzēja kā fotogrāfs, taču viņš nožēlo savu nespēju palīdzēt kara upuriem. Džeikobs atbild uz šofera ziņkāri par to, kāpēc viņš ir fotogrāfs, stāstot, kā mamma viņam iemācījusi redzēt. Viņš iedod Šoferim filmu, kas nepieciešama New York Times stāstam, kā arī suņa birkas, ko uzdāvināt mātei. Kad viņi sasniedz robežu, viņi saskaras ar sargu, kurš sāk vilkt rokas, kad Džeikobs sāk fotografēt, cenšoties nogalināt sevi. Šoferis brauc cauri šāvienu krusai līdz robežai, bet atrod Džeikobsu nogalinātu ar lodi caur sēdekli. Šoferis ierodas Amerikā, lai apciemotu Džeikobsa māti un pastāstītu par viņa Pulicera balvas ieguvēju un suņa birku nodošanu, lai atklātu, ka viņa ir akla.
The Driver is drafted by the UN to rescue a wounded war photographer named Harvey Jacobs from out of hostile territory. While they are leaving Jacobs tells the Driver about the horrors he saw as a photographer, but he regrets his inability to help war victims. Jacobs answers the driver curiosity about why he is a photographer by saying how his mother taught him to see. He gives the Driver the film needed for a New York Times story and also his dog tags to give to his mother. When they reach the border, they are confronted by a guard who begins to draw arms as Jacobs begins taking pictures, trying to get himself killed. The Driver drives through a hail of gunfire to the border, but finds Jacobs killed by a bullet through the seat. The Driver arrives in America to visit Jacobs' mother and share the news of him winning the Pulitzer prize and hand over the dog tags, only to discover that she is blind.