Etore pēdējos piecus gadus pavadīja cietumā par laupīšanu. Iznākot no cietuma, viņam nav kur iet, viņa sieva ar viņu izšķīrās un nevēlas, lai viņš satiktos ar viņu mazo meitu, kura piedzima tieši pirms viņa aresta. Etore vienatnē un izmisusi klīst pa Romas ielām un satiek dīvainu sirmgalvi Nikolaju. Viņš nolemj viņu izmantot un aplaupīt. Taču pēc iebrukuma viņa mājā Etore saprot, ka Nikolai nav nekā zagšanas vērta, un turklāt vecais vīrs viņam pastāsta pavisam dīvainu lietu: viņš apliecina, ka ir Ziemassvētku vecītis...
Ettore has spent the last five years in jail for a robbery. Once out of prison, he has nowhere to go, his wife broke up with him and doesn’t want him to meet their little daughter who was born right before he was arrested. Alone and desperate, Ettore roams the streets of Rome and meets a strange old man, Nicola. He decides to take advantage of him and rob him. But after breaking into his house, Ettore realizes Nicola doesn’t have anything worth stealing and furthermore, the old man tells him a rather stranger thing: he affirms to be Santa Claus…
Etore pēdējos piecus gadus pavadīja cietumā par laupīšanu. Iznākot no cietuma, viņam nav kur iet, viņa sieva ar viņu izšķīrās un nevēlas, lai viņš satiktos ar viņu mazo meitu, kura piedzima tieši pirms viņa aresta. Etore vienatnē un izmisusi klīst pa Romas ielām un satiek dīvainu sirmgalvi Nikolaju. Viņš nolemj viņu izmantot un aplaupīt. Taču pēc iebrukuma viņa mājā Etore saprot, ka Nikolai nav nekā zagšanas vērta, un turklāt vecais vīrs viņam pastāsta pavisam dīvainu lietu: viņš apliecina, ka ir Ziemassvētku vecītis...
Ettore has spent the last five years in jail for a robbery. Once out of prison, he has nowhere to go, his wife broke up with him and doesn’t want him to meet their little daughter who was born right before he was arrested. Alone and desperate, Ettore roams the streets of Rome and meets a strange old man, Nicola. He decides to take advantage of him and rob him. But after breaking into his house, Ettore realizes Nicola doesn’t have anything worth stealing and furthermore, the old man tells him a rather stranger thing: he affirms to be Santa Claus…