Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
17.09.2019 Epizode 1 (What's it gonna be, boys?)
24.09.2019 Epizode 2 (Clap your hands, everybody)
01.10.2019 Epizode 3 (Mind the mints)
08.10.2019 Epizode 4 (Suck it up and go to Mars)
15.10.2019 Epizode 5 (Wow, are these insoles?)
22.10.2019 Epizode 6 (Under caricature clouds)
29.10.2019 Epizode 7 (Hoop hoop hooray!)
05.11.2019 Epizode 8 (Fare Is Fair)
Sezona 2
05.02.2021 Epizode 1 (Episode 1)
Sezona 3
25.01.2022 Epizode 1 (Don’t swear in front of the song)
01.02.2022 Epizode 2 (I Don't Trust the Cloud)