Reģistrētie lietotāji var sekot sērijai, redzēt jaunu epizožu izskatu un atzīmēt skatīto
Sezona 1
30.04.2021 Epizode 1 (Light Out)
30.04.2021 Epizode 2 (foxes and coyotes)
07.05.2021 Epizode 3 (Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere)
14.05.2021 Epizode 4 (Bus Stop)
21.05.2021 Epizode 5 (Elvis, Jesus, Coca-Cola)
28.05.2021 Epizode 6 (Calaca)
04.06.2021 Epizode 7 (The Glass Sandwich)
Sezona 2
03.11.2022 Epizode 1 (The Damage Done)
10.11.2022 Epizode 2 (Least Concern Species)
17.11.2022 Epizode 3 (Talk About the Weather)
22.11.2022 Epizode 4 (A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hair)
01.12.2022 Epizode 5 (Positive, Front-Facing Optics)
08.12.2022 Epizode 6 (Goat Head Taco)
15.12.2022 Epizode 7 (The Burning of Judas)
22.12.2022 Epizode 8 (Dead Totems)
29.12.2022 Epizode 9 (The Counterfeiters)
05.01.2023 Epizode 10 (Eulogy)