Kamēr viņas vīrs ir komandējumā, Gamhee Seulas nomalē satiek trīs savus draugus. Viņi sarunājas draudzīgi, kā vienmēr, taču neatkarīgi no otra plūst dažādas strāvas gan virs, gan zem virsmas.
While her husband is on a business trip, Gamhee meets three of her friends on the outskirts of Seoul. They make friendly conversation, as always, but there are different currents flowing independently of each other, both above and below the surface.
Kamēr viņas vīrs ir komandējumā, Gamhee Seulas nomalē satiek trīs savus draugus. Viņi sarunājas draudzīgi, kā vienmēr, taču neatkarīgi no otra plūst dažādas strāvas gan virs, gan zem virsmas.
While her husband is on a business trip, Gamhee meets three of her friends on the outskirts of Seoul. They make friendly conversation, as always, but there are different currents flowing independently of each other, both above and below the surface.