Wannabe privātdetektīvs laimē Zaļās kartes loteriju un pārceļas uz Ameriku, lai īstenotu savu sapni, lai tikai nonāktu sazvērestībā, lai sāktu nākamo pasaules karu.
A wannabe private investigator wins the Green Card lottery and moves to America to pursue his dream only to find himself embroiled in a conspiracy to start the next world war.
Wannabe privātdetektīvs laimē Zaļās kartes loteriju un pārceļas uz Ameriku, lai īstenotu savu sapni, lai tikai nonāktu sazvērestībā, lai sāktu nākamo pasaules karu.
A wannabe private investigator wins the Green Card lottery and moves to America to pursue his dream only to find himself embroiled in a conspiracy to start the next world war.