Viljams un Keita ir pirmā no divām nesaistītām amerikāņu televīzijas filmām par prinča Viljama un Ketrīnas "Kate" Middleton (tagad Kembridžas hercogiene un hercogiene) attiecībām, kuras režisors ir Marks Rosmans un sarakstījusi Nancey Silvers. Neraugoties uz negatīvo kritiķu attieksmi, filma guva vērtīgus panākumus. Otro filmu Viljams un Katrīna: Karalisko romantiku producēja cita kompānija, un tā tika izlaista 2011. gada augustā.
William & Kate is the first of two unrelated American television films about the relationship between Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton (now The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), directed by Mark Rosman and written by Nancey Silvers. The film was a ratings success, despite the negative reception from critics. The second film William & Catherine: A Royal Romance was produced by a different company and released in August 2011.
Viljams un Keita ir pirmā no divām nesaistītām amerikāņu televīzijas filmām par prinča Viljama un Ketrīnas "Kate" Middleton (tagad Kembridžas hercogiene un hercogiene) attiecībām, kuras režisors ir Marks Rosmans un sarakstījusi Nancey Silvers. Neraugoties uz negatīvo kritiķu attieksmi, filma guva vērtīgus panākumus. Otro filmu Viljams un Katrīna: Karalisko romantiku producēja cita kompānija, un tā tika izlaista 2011. gada augustā.
William & Kate is the first of two unrelated American television films about the relationship between Prince William and Catherine "Kate" Middleton (now The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), directed by Mark Rosman and written by Nancey Silvers. The film was a ratings success, despite the negative reception from critics. The second film William & Catherine: A Royal Romance was produced by a different company and released in August 2011.