Augsta profila advokāts Mišels aizstāv jauno un diezgan mazo laiku zagli Cécile pēc juvelierizstrādājumu veikala aizkavēšanās. Kā prognozēja viņa elegantā mākslas tirgotāja un tēlnieka sieva Viviāna, Mišels daudz pārsniedz savu īso, apdraudot karjeru un sagraujot viņa 18 gadu laulību.
High-profile lawyer Michel takes on the defence of a young and pretty small-time thief, Cécile, after the botched hold-up of a jewellery shop. As predicted by his elegant art-dealer and sculptress wife Viviane, Michel goes well beyond his brief, jeopardising his career and ruining his marriage of 18 years.
Augsta profila advokāts Mišels aizstāv jauno un diezgan mazo laiku zagli Cécile pēc juvelierizstrādājumu veikala aizkavēšanās. Kā prognozēja viņa elegantā mākslas tirgotāja un tēlnieka sieva Viviāna, Mišels daudz pārsniedz savu īso, apdraudot karjeru un sagraujot viņa 18 gadu laulību.
High-profile lawyer Michel takes on the defence of a young and pretty small-time thief, Cécile, after the botched hold-up of a jewellery shop. As predicted by his elegant art-dealer and sculptress wife Viviane, Michel goes well beyond his brief, jeopardising his career and ruining his marriage of 18 years.