Vjats Earpam pie žurnālista vēršas pēc intervijas par to, kā viņš kļuva par slaveno šerifu. Earp pastāstīja stāstu par to, kā viņš bija bezbailīgs ASV maršals. Ja 27 gadus vecais Vjats Earps iznāk, ka viņa pirmā draudzene Dora Hand tika noslepkavota. Kopā ar savu draugu Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Bill Tilghman un Charlie Bassett viņš dodas medīt vainīgo ...
Wyatt Earp is approached by a journalist for an interview about how he became a famous sheriff. Earp told the story of how he was a fearless U.S. Marshall. If 27-year old Wyatt Earp comes out that his first girlfriend Dora Hand was murdered. Together with his friend Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Bill Tilghman and Charlie Bassett he goes hunting for the perpetrator ...
Vjats Earpam pie žurnālista vēršas pēc intervijas par to, kā viņš kļuva par slaveno šerifu. Earp pastāstīja stāstu par to, kā viņš bija bezbailīgs ASV maršals. Ja 27 gadus vecais Vjats Earps iznāk, ka viņa pirmā draudzene Dora Hand tika noslepkavota. Kopā ar savu draugu Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Bill Tilghman un Charlie Bassett viņš dodas medīt vainīgo ...
Wyatt Earp is approached by a journalist for an interview about how he became a famous sheriff. Earp told the story of how he was a fearless U.S. Marshall. If 27-year old Wyatt Earp comes out that his first girlfriend Dora Hand was murdered. Together with his friend Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, Bill Tilghman and Charlie Bassett he goes hunting for the perpetrator ...