Sākas komēdija par scenāristu (Wuhl), kura veco filmas scenāriju lasa producents (Landau) un sākas finanšu atbalstītāju meklēšana. Bet šķiet, ka katram naudas avotam (Aiello, DeNiro, Wallach) ir sava saimniece, kuru viņš vēlas ievietot filmā. Pakāpeniski scenārists ir spiests veikt izmaiņas savā scenārijā, lai pielāgotos šiem atbalstītājiem, līdz viņš beidzot neredz savu sākotnējo ideju līdzību.
A comedy about a screenwriter (Wuhl) whose old movie script is read by a producer (Landau) and the search for financial backers begins. But it seems that each money source (Aiello, DeNiro, Wallach) has his own mistress that he wants put into the film. Gradually, the screenwriter is forced to make changes to his script to accommodate these backers until he finally sees no semblance of his original ideas in the writing.
Sākas komēdija par scenāristu (Wuhl), kura veco filmas scenāriju lasa producents (Landau) un sākas finanšu atbalstītāju meklēšana. Bet šķiet, ka katram naudas avotam (Aiello, DeNiro, Wallach) ir sava saimniece, kuru viņš vēlas ievietot filmā. Pakāpeniski scenārists ir spiests veikt izmaiņas savā scenārijā, lai pielāgotos šiem atbalstītājiem, līdz viņš beidzot neredz savu sākotnējo ideju līdzību.
A comedy about a screenwriter (Wuhl) whose old movie script is read by a producer (Landau) and the search for financial backers begins. But it seems that each money source (Aiello, DeNiro, Wallach) has his own mistress that he wants put into the film. Gradually, the screenwriter is forced to make changes to his script to accommodate these backers until he finally sees no semblance of his original ideas in the writing.