Pusis pabeidz skolu un sapņo kļūt par gleznotāju, tomēr viņa vecāki liek iet mācīties. Meklējot atbildi uz dzīvē svarīgāko jautājumu galvenais varonis satiek personāžu, kurs palīdz viņam pieņēmt lēmumu.
One night, Matiss Zelcs, an employee of the Latvian national archive in Riga, notices a woman on a bridge. After passing by her without preventing her suicidal fall into the depths, a sensation of failure and guilt changes his life. He cannot forget her. Driven by a feeling of remorse and the fever of illusion, he roams through the city night and day looking for traces of her existence. This journey through the tumult of his conscience leads him deeper into his own loneliness and the depths of his soul, as he gets more and more entangled in the destinies of the woman and of the people who were attached to her. He finds himself confronted with the pain of yearning and guilt, the cruelty of love and desire, and the search for forgiveness, release and salvation.
В 1944 году из Рижского художественного музея при отступлении нацистов была похищена картина Энгра "Рафаэль и Форнарина". Прошли годы. Во время международного ралли один из автогонщиков обнаружил полотно в дверце автомобиля. Он подумал, что картину контрабандой перевозил его старший напарник-штурман, но тот убедил парня, что полотно им подложили, чтобы они не могли попасть в олимпийскую сборную. Он не поверил, но и сдать картину начальнику пробега не решился. Происходят и другие загадочные события. А за ними уже следили. Самое важное - выйти на тех, кто должен забрать украденное произведение искусства...
A police is trying to fight the criminal organization responsible for the illegal export of arts abroad. He pretends to be a criminal to enter and destroy their gang.
This taut psychological chiller tells the twisted story of Anna, a woman living in Paris, whose dreams of her Venetian counterpart, a secretive young woman who lives in a fine palace with her brother and an enigmatic older man, become frighteningly real. Anna's world begins coming apart after she is picked up by the police for witnessing an awful crime she cannot remember seeing. When she realizes that her dream alter-ego is trying to kill her, only her lover Marc's calming and supportive influence can save her from madness.