Konstantin, a songwriter and master guitarist, runs away from numerous problems to the nature reserve Mikhailovskoye. Kostya has long lost any way of income and has almost given up hope to be heard, living by sheer inertia and often drawing on alcohol. His wife and daughter are going to Canada, and in his head he constantly turns around the question: what exactly has gone wrong? How can he put it right? Does anyone need his creative work at all, or has he just talked himself into that? Maybe Konstantin has enough energy to change things, but he strongly doubts that: indeed, why and for whom should he try. Nevertheless, the nature reserve is the right place to collect his thoughts, break the minefield of his own life into sections, and get to work.
Aleksey Temnikov is a renowned ballet dancer and an acknowledged genius whose career was abruptly cut short after sustaining an injury in the 1990s. Twenty years later, Aleksey discovers that his condition is degenerative and that he will soon lose the ability to walk. Aleksey sets out to choreograph a ballet he envisaged long before but never staged for fear of failure. “What will I leave behind after I am gone?” is a question Aleksey feels he must contend with. However, returning to the world of ballet will not be easy for a man who has made so many enemies over the course of his life.
Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion athlete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspect in a series of murders, he is forced to use this ability to find the real killer.
Vasily Pronchishchev and Vasily Chelyuskin were young lieutenants of the Russia fleet, who set out from Yakutsk along the Lena River to the Arctic Ocean on a sailing ship under the leadership of the commander Vitus Bering in the summer of 1735. Contrary to the imperial prohibition, incredible trials and deadly danger lying ahead of all the members of this expedition, a young girl enamored with one of the characters got onto this ship. However, neither storms or severe northern frosts and hunger were able to stop them, since fulfilling of their duty, reaching of the most northeastern point of Eurasia and putting of the vast Arctic territories on the world maps were their main purpose in life.
Skydivers are jumping out of a plane - a young couple and their best friend. Sunset, freefall, the ground is closer and closer. One of the parachutes fails to deploy. Rushing down in freefall they realize that it is all about trust that has been lost.
In the ninth century, after the fall of Rome, the Viking raids, economic devastation and intercine warfare between rival tribes, a young prince Oleg comes into throne. Possessing charisma, prescience, and great military gifts he unites the fragmented principalities into a single state and establishes the rule of law, returning the land to prosperity.
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same university. They argue, make up, and face their first disappointments and victories. While busy with personal lives and loves, they miss foreseeing that the country in which they were born and live will soon disappear from the map.
A gang of skinheads 'Russia 88' are filming propaganda videos in order to place it on the internet. At the same time the camera records the life of the gang, they become accustomed to this and stop paying attention to it. The leader of the gang 'Blade' discovers that his sister is dating a guy from the Caucausus. This family drama develops into a tragedy.
In life of a talented copywriter Alex there comes a black strip. Everything he undertakes, comes to an end with a total failure, even the most good intentions turn into an accident. Only his best friend Dima and a dog Snoopy are nearby. Rescue comes unexpectedly: the real miracle laptop, by means of which even the most cherished dreams can become reality falls into Alex's hands: expensive cars, magnificent house, money... But his main goal is - to get a job in the prestigious advertising agency and to deserve love of a cover-girl Mary who is going about with Fyodor, the deputy head of advertising agency. The power and money spoil Alex, but passing through many adventures he understands that even the finest and magic device won't be able to supply love, friendship and real life.
Русь. Времена неизвестны. Однажды по дороге в гости к тётке Ефросинье красавица Алёнушка попадает в дупло чудесного дерева, где таинственная незнакомка дарит ей волшебные яблоки. Не зная их магической силы, Алёна приносит их в терем царя Дормидонта. А в это время его дочка, царевна Всеслава занята тем, что строит новые самоходные машины и крылолёты, которые во время испытаний все время сваливаются на избушку красавца-музыканта Ерёмы. Так Алёна знакомится с Ерёмой и влюбляется в него. Но тут в историю их любви вплетаются магия и волшебство. Сама не ведая того, Алёна заколдовывает парня: надкусив волшебное яблоко, он влюбляется в… царевну! Что сделает Алёнушка, чтобы вернуть свою любовь?