Moscow, 1974. Oleg is almost forty. He is an actor with a charming smile, tired look, and rich mellow voice. His artistic life is no success , he is not much wanted either in the theatre or in the movies. Oleg has to work at the radio station, where he plays a Soviet spy in an endless radio series. His character lives undercover in the US, passing himself off as an oil tycoon. This play is Oleg's only pay job. The day the play is closed by the station chief, Oleg's wife dumps him. This two ordinary events lead to the chain of unexpected turns. Oleg meets the playwright, who makes him write the play further, he starts an affair with the playwright's girlfriend and gets the main part in the movies. In no time Oleg gets and loses it all, ending up the enemy of state.
Две супружеские пары собираются провести вечер за ужином. Однако в назначенный час в квартире оказываются лишь трое из них. Наконец, приходит и та, которую все заждались. Очень странной походкой. В очень странной шапочке. С нечеловеческим аппетитом и совершенно человеческой жаждой любви. Что могут скрывать друг от друга верные мужья и жены? На что готовы пойти ради вашего семейного счастья ваши закадычные друзья? И чем может обернуться тихий дружеский ужин, приготовленный из обид и подозрений, опасности и страха, нежности и настоящей любви?
Adequacy is relative. Vitalik the main character of the movie seems to be pretty normal. With a respectable office job, a comfy little dwelling and a personal couch doctor, Vitalik looks as adequate as a human can possibly be. Wait till he drinks and drives himself into depression, and after that falls in love with an under-age girl living next door. Who's adequate now?
1940. Leningrad. In sixth grader Mickey Polyakov light-hearted and happy life: the father-director, beautiful mother, a large apartment in the city center and many friends. And everything in this life before the war is well until one day he did not suffer at the hands of seniors. Physician ambulance that brought Mick into intensive care, noted strong concussion. But the terrible injury gave Mick a mysterious gift - he can now kill any of his abuser Lashes. So for Miki begins a completely different life, which are closely intertwined reality and mysticism.
A family comedy about a young Prince, who sets on a mission to find a missing Princess from the neighborhood kingdom. Along the journey, Prince meets a doopie dragon who joins him on an adventure, but Prince does not know that the dragon isn't who he says he is.
A group of three boys and two girls sneaks into the old funicular, to have an unforgettable New Year party at the top of the mountain. A jolly adventure turns into a nightmare when the cabin gets stuck above the abyss. Realising that help is not coming, the characters start their deadly fight with cold, height and eventually with each other.