
The Mighty Macs | США
6.5 (1663 голосов)
В начале 70-х годов Кэти Раш становится главным тренером женской баскетбольной команды небольшого католического колледжа. И хотя ее команде негде тренироваться, и у них нет формы, а колледж, возможно, скоро продадут, Кэти Раш ведет свою команду к национальному чемпионату.

National Treasure | США
6.9 (339292 голосов)
Nicolas Cage stars as Ben Franklin Gates, an archaeologist and adventurer looking for the legendary lost treasure of the Templar Knights, spurred on by the stories he was told as a young man by his grandfather, John Adams Gates, twenty years before. John tells Ben the secret hiding place for the treasure is encoded on the back of the Declaration of Independence, placed there by none other than the founders of the United States of America, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Ben's father, Patrick Henry Gates, is more than well aware that treasure hunting has been the curse of the Gates family, and has soured on the entire idea. With the help of his best friend and partner in crime, a sarcastic, thrill seeking computer expert named Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), Riley and his team careen from one grave predicament to another. Starring: Nicolas Cage, Harvey Keitel, Jon Voight, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean, Christopher Plummer

Rocky Balboa | США
7.2 (182,728 голосов)
Рокки отошел от дел, занявшись ресторанным бизнесом и все еще тяжело переживает смерть своей жены Эдриан. Пытаясь развеять образовавшуюся пустоту, Бальбоа решает вернуться на ринг для боев местного значения с боксерами в легком весе. Но когда он соглашается выступить против действующего чемпиона-тяжеловеса Мэйсона Диксона, пресса неожиданно проявляет к возвращению Рокки пристальный интерес.

Silver Linings Playbook | США
7.7 (613,181 голосов)
Главная перемена в жизни героя, после того, как жена ему изменяет — что у него диагностируют биполярное расстройство, и он 8 месяцев проводит в психушке. После чего по решению суда не должен с ней встречаться.

Shooter | США
7.1 (338910 голосов)
Based on Stephen Hunter's novel "Point of Impact," Shooter centers on an ace marksman -- living in self-exile in the Arkansas wilderness after causing the death of an innocent person -- who is persuaded by his former associates that they need his help to prevent an assassination. Subsequently double-crossed and framed for the presidential assassination he was trying to prevent, he is forced to go on the run while trying to track down the real killer and discover the truth about who betrayed him. "Shooter" is an action-packed thriller starring Mark Wahlberg as Bob Lee Swagger, a former Army sniper who leaves the military after a mission goes bad. After he is reluctantly pressed back into service, Swagger is double-crossed again. With two bullets in him and the subject of a nationwide manhunt, Swagger begins his revenge, which will take down the most powerful people in the country. Antoine Fuqua ("Training Day") directs. Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Michael Pena, Danny Glover, Kate Mara, Elias Koteas, Rhona Mitra, Rade Sherbedgia, Ned Beatty Directed by Antoine Fuqua Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian,

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