
6.6 (10112 голосов)
5x2 is a haunting and realistic evocation of the evanescence of love, and how adult relationships evolve over time. Returning to a more intimate scale following his international smash, SWIMMING POOL, Ozon's chamber drama is an anatomy of a failed marriage told in reverse chronology, starting with the finalization of the couple1s divorce and concluding, literally, as they walk off into the sunset for their first encounter. Subverting the conventions of cinema romance along with audience expectations of happy endings, Ozon focuses on five key chapters in these two people's lives--including the first blush of sexual attraction, the wedding night, and the birth of their first child--that reveal the inextricable emotional ties between them, at the same time they expose the inevitable seeds of discord. Starring: Stéphane Freiss, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Géraldine Pailhas, Fran?oise Fabian, Michael Lonsdale, Antoine Chappey French language with latvian and russian subtitles.

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou | США
7.3 (164,030 голосов)
«Я буду мстить», — заявил на пресс-конференции знаменитый океанограф. А мстить он намеревался огромной тигровой акуле, проглотившей, не поперхнувшись, его лучшего друга и помощника. Собрав разношёрстную команду, бесстрашный исследователь устремляется на поиски своего смертельного врага…

Darjeeling Limited, The | США
7.2 (203872 голосов)
Short film "Hotel Chevalier" introduces story of three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray), and they eventually find themselves stranded alone in the middle of the desert with eleven suitcases, a printer, and a laminating machine. At this moment, a new, unplanned journey suddenly begins Cast: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman Directed by Wes Anderson Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

The Bounty Hunter | США
Главный герой — Мило, бывший полицейский, а теперь охотник за головам, занимающийся розыском беглых преступников. Он получает задание найти и отправить в тюрьму журналистку Кэссиди, сбежавшую из-под залога. Ирония ситуации в том, что Кэссиди — бывшая жена Мило. Журналистке помогает ее друг и коллега Стюарт, который ошибочно считает себя ее бойфрендом, и также пускается по следу улизнувшей дамочки. В ролях: Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Jason Sudeikis, Dorian Missick, Joel Marsh Garland, Christine Baranski Режиссер: Andy Tennant Продюсер: Ryan Kavanaugh Сценарий: Sarah Thorp

6.3 (73945 голосов)
Aннa возвращаeтся из психиатрической больницы в свой родной дом и сразу же сталкиваeтся с полным равнодушием со стороны отца и бурной враждебностью, исходящей от новой мачехи. Но главной проблемой для ee становится вовсе не это, а жуткий призрак, приходящий регулярно по ночам в тихую спальню… В ролях: Emily Browning, Elizabeth Banks, Arielle Kebbel and David Strathairn Режиссёр: The Guard Brothers

After the Sunset | США
6.3 (41,858 голосов)
После успешного «последнего дела» профессиональный вор «завязывает» с криминалом и поселяется на райском островке. Его злейший враг, хитроумный агент ФБР, решает проверить, верен ли бывший преступник своему обещанию. Вскоре оба оказываются втянутыми в игру в «кошки-мышки»…

5.5 (61 голосов)
From the mental hospital escapes maniac. Journalist, expert in investigation sets out in search. Footsteps lead to one of the gardening, where gather the real dregs of society Producer: Denis Neymand Script: Konstantin Murzenko Actors: Alyona Babenko, Michael Yefremov, Sergey Shakurov, Elena Rufanova, Aleksey Serebryakov, Igor Lifanov, Gosha Kucenko, Vyacheslav Razbegayev, Anatoliy Beliy, Yusup Bahshiyev Composers: Igor Vdovin, Delfin Movie in Russian language. * with latvian translation show 24.04 at 12:00 Coca-Cola Plaza

Dreamgirls | США
6.6 (74877 голосов)
In 1960s Detroit, a good night onstage can get you noticed but it won't get your song played on the radio. Here, a new kind of music is on the cusp of being born - a sound with roots buried deep in the soul of Detroit itself, where songs are about more than what's on the surface, and everyone is bound together by a shared dream. Curtis Taylor, Jr. (Jamie Foxx) is a car salesman aching to make his mark in the music business - to form his own record label and get its sound heard on mainstream radio at a time when civil rights are still only a whisper in the streets. He just needs the angle, the right talent, the right product to sell. Late for their stint in a local talent show, The Dreamettes - Deena Jones (Beyoncé Knowles), Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose), and lead singer Effie White (Jennifer Hudson) - show up in their cheap wigs and homemade dresses, rehearsing songs and steps by Effie's brother, C.C. (Keith Robinson), with hopes that talent and sheer desire will break them out of the only life that seems available to them. They're young. They're beautiful. They're just what Curtis is looking for. All they have to do is trust him. The groundbreaking Tony Award-winning Broadway phenomenon comes to life as an all-new motion picture adaptation written and directed by Academy Award winner Bill Condon. A Laurence Mark production presented by DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, "Dreamgirls," is a compelling story of love and loyalty, fame and betrayal that tracks the struggle, sacrifices and triumphs of a group of outsiders carrying their landmark sound into mainstream America in the 1960s and '70s. Cast: Jamie Foxx, Beyonce Knowles, Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover, Anika Noni Rose, Jennifer Hudson, Keith Robinson, Bobby Slayton Directed by Bill Condon Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Curse Of The Golden Flower | США| Китай| Гонконг
7 (44827 голосов)
In 2004, director Zhang Yimou caused a sensation with his astonishing HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS, and his CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER is yet another dazzling, visually stunning film. Calling again upon the talents of the striking Gong Li, Yimou tells an epic tale of lust and power set in the opulent world of the Later Tang dynasty. The plot follows the story of the Emperor (Chow Yun Fat) and his Empress (Li) and the tragic disintegration of their royal family--whose problems go far beyond the merely dysfunctional. For starters, the ailing Empress has long been having an affair with her stepson, the Crown Prince Wan (Liu Ye). Unbeknownst to her, Wan has been dallying with the Imperial Doctor's daughter (Li Man), and has plans to escape the palace with her. Meanwhile, the Emperor himself has just returned from a long trip, and while relations with his wife are obviously icy, it becomes clear that his plans for her are far more ominous than she could ever imagine. Everyone involved has a secret plan for either escape or domination, resulting in an explosive ending wherein the darkest family secrets are revealed and horrifically bloody battles are waged both inside and outside the walls of the sparkling, gold-encrusted palace. Cast: Yun-Fat Chow , Li Gong, Jay Chou, Ye Liu, Dahong Ni, Junjie Qin, Man Li, Jin Chen Directed by Yimou Zhang Movie in Chinese with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

6.7 (133027 голосов)
Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair and an even bigger heart, has only one passion - dancing. Her dream is to appear on "The Corny Collins Show," Baltimore's hippest dance party on TV. Tracy (Nikki Blonsky) seems a natural fit for the show except for one not-so-little problem - she doesn't fit. Her plus-sized figure has always set her apart from the in-crowd, which she is reminded of by her loving but overly protective plus-sized mother, Edna (John Travolta). That doesn't stop Tracy because if there is one thing that this big girl knows, it's that she was born to boogie. Cast: John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Queen Latifah, Christopher Walken, Amanda Bynes, James Marsden, Brittany Snow, Nicole Blonsky, Zac Efron, Allison Janney Directed by Adam Shankman Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Across the Universe | США
7.3 (111539 голосов)
A love story set against the backdrop of the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest, mind exploration and rock 'n roll, the film moves from the dockyards of Liverpool to the creative psychedelia of Greenwich Village, from the riot-torn streets of Detroit to the killing fields of Vietnam. The star-crossed lovers, Jude (Jim Sturgess) and Lucy (Evan Rachel Wood), along with a small group of friends and musicians, are swept up into the emerging anti-war and counterculture movements, with "Dr. Robert" (Bono) and "Mr. Kite" (Eddie Izzard) as their guides. Tumultuous forces outside their control ultimately tear the young lovers apart, forcing Jude and Lucy -- against all odds -- to find their own way back to each other. Cast: Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturges, Bono, Salma Hayek, Joe Cocker, Max Carrigan Directed by Julie Taymor Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

6.4 (87302 голосов)
Семь лет назад Джек влип в неприятную историю. По всему городу шли нелегальные азартные игры — игры без правил, полные опасности, но приносящие хороший доход. Организовывал и присматривал за этими играми преступный босс Мака и его люди. Накануне одной «большой игры», Мака потерял своего парня, и его люди, узнав о Джеке Грине, решили, что он сможет подойти на замену. Грин, выслушав предложение ребят Маки, отказался, но ребята не отступили и стали давить на брата Джека и на его семью. Грин был вынужден сесть за карточный стол, чтобы брата с семьёй оставили в покое. Игру он выиграл. И с этого все началось…

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